
  • Assignment Marks Queries

    Posted by John Shepherd 5 years ago.

    Send all assignment mark queries to the mailing list.

    Don't post them on the Forum. We've stopped reading the Forum while we mark exams.

    We will try to "fix" all assignment marks by Dec 16, when they will be merged with final exam marks and quiz marks to give an overall mark for the course.

    If there's still something wrong after marks are released (on Dec 20?), the mark can be updated.

  • Assignment 3 Marks

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 5 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Assignment 3 marks have been released, and you can collect your submissions via webcms/give collect.

    Please note that on the collection it will say your result is out of "13.5", but that's a typo. All results are out of 13. So 13/13.5 on the collection will be full marks.

  • Exam Stuff

    Posted by John Shepherd 5 years ago, last modified 5 years ago.

    To save you some reading time tomorrow, I've made the database for the exam available. You would do well to have (at least) a quick explore of the schema/data before the exam. Update : I've tweaked the database a little to fix some anomalies pointed out on the Forum. If you want a more "accurate" version, you might want to grab it again.

    I've also decided to use Firefox as the browser, after seeing some deficiencies in Midori (during the making of the exam environment video). I'm assuming that you're all more familiar with Firefox than Midori, so this should be an improvement.

    The final Cheat Sheets ( Psycopg2 and Python/SQLite ) are now available.In response to a request, I'll add a brief Python language Cheat Sheet tonight.

    Good luck. Get a good night's sleep. Allow plenty of time to get to Uni.

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