
  • Checking your Marks

    Posted by John Shepherd 4 years ago.

    If you ask me to check your marks, I don't have time to do it before the break.

    I'll do all this when I return on Jan 4.

    P.S. In all email with me (or the class account), include your zID

  • WD Grades

    Posted by John Shepherd 4 years ago.

    If you received a grade of WD for the course, it means that we detected "over-similarity" between your submission for some assessment item and some other student's submission for the same item.

    If it is proved/admitted that there was some collusion/plagiarism on an assignment, the penalty is zero for the assignment, and an entry in the UNSW plagiarism register (which is removed if you complete the rest of your degree without any more incidents).

    If it is suspected that there was some collusion/plagiarism on the exam, your case will be referred to the Student Conduct and Integrity Unit for further investigation. Penalties for exam misconduct can be severe.

  • LE Grades

    Posted by John Shepherd 4 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.

    Arrrghhh! Somebody (not me) forgot to press the [Approve] button and so all your marks are sitting in Astra waiting to be transferred to MyUNSW.

    I'll chase this up now, but I don't know when the actual marks will appear.

    Update: Somebody pushed the Approve button, so your marks are now in MyUNSW.

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