423 submissions.
After auto-marking:
115 students = 10/10
191 students >= 8/10
Median = 7.8/10
Mean = 7/10
~70 students =< 5/10
~11 students had correct queries but wouldn't even pass the previously provided sanity test due to various formatting issues*
* We are manually checking & marking these queries. Instead of zero marks, partial marks (with 30% penalty) will be awarded to each of the tests if the formatting issues are minor.
Finalized marks (after auto-marking, manual checking of *, and late penalty adjustments; and then scaled to 20) will be available in SMS from tomorrow afternoon.
You can check your assignment 2 performance by running the auto-mark test script at
Make sure your submitted files (msearch toprank shortest) are in the current directory.
I've tested the exam submission via webcms and it's still shaky. I have disabled the webcms submission.
As mentioned in the previous email, please use the command-line instruction:
give cs3311 exam ans.sql ans.txt
to submit your answers.
Note that "give" is available on CSE machines except grieg .