
  • The first Online Help session is happening till 2pm today

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Tuesday 02 July 2024, 12:28:30 PM.

    Hello everyone,

    I hope you are having a good flexible week so far.
    As you might know from my last post, you have two online help sessions during week6, flexible week. The first one is today from 12pm to 2pm (Online) and is happening now.

    Kind regards,

  • Week6 Flexible week | Online Help Sessions on Week6

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Sunday 30 June 2024, 08:12:15 PM.

    Hello everyone,

    Week 6 is a flexible week, so there will be no lecture or tutorial. Originally, there were no help sessions planned for Week 6, but we have added two online help sessions:

    • Tuesday , June 2, from 12 PM to 2 PM (Online)
    • Wednesday , June 3, from 3 PM to 5 PM (Online)

    I will also hold my usual online consultation on Friday from 3:30-4:30 PM.

    We will continue answering your questions on the Ed forum.

    Have a great flex week!

    See you on Monday Week 7,

  • help session Friday week5

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Friday 28 June 2024, 01:03:34 PM, last modified Sunday 30 June 2024, 08:01:41 PM.


    I usually don't announce help sessions. But because you have an assignment deadline very soon, I just want to remind you about the help session today at the following time.

    Complete list:

    Kind regards,

  • Answering your feedback and concerns on anonymous feedback form

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Friday 28 June 2024, 01:00:26 PM.

    Thank you to all students who provided feedback through the anonymous forum. We appreciate your input and have addressed your concerns as follows:

    Help Sessions:

    • Need help sessions from week1 onwards to ensure students can stay on top of their work. currently, very poorly organised

    Our answer: We've added ongoing help sessions starting from week 4 to help students stay on top of their work. We also added some more earlier at the start of the term. You can access the schedule here:

    Audio Issues:

    • The audio in the lecture recordings has been getting quieter week after week...
    • Couldn't hear the audio in the lecture recordings at all
    • Hi, sometimes the online lectures have a very low volume, to the point that I can barely hear it even when my volume is on max. Please check before uploading.
    • Could you please check that the microphone is loud enough for recording? It is very frustrating to watch the lecture recording with such a low volume. Thank you!!

    Our answer: This is an unfortunate issue. I have been trying to fix this issue for some time. So I followed up with the UNSW IT for a very long time. They suggested different solutions and I tried them one by one. Unfortunately some of their solutions made it worse. Their most recent fix seems to be working well. If you encounter a recording without audio, please let us know the specific lecture so we can address it promptly. I received an anonymous comment that one week has no voice recording. Unfortunately, I could not find one without any voice recording. I found one with a low volume. If you can find it and tell me exactly which one is it, I should be able to fix it and re-upload it again.

    Content Clarity:

    • Armin needs to explain content more clearer, it feels rushed and unprepared at times.

    Our answer : I try my best to explain content as clear as I can. It is unfortunately to see I did not succeed completely. I try my best to address this issue on my future lectures. If you can fill the form again and let me know which content it was related to, I really appreciate it. This way, I can learn from it and improve my future lectures.

    Forum Response Time:

    • I asked question in forum almost one day ago and still no tutor answered. Would be great if tutors can respond faster.

    Our answer: We've expanded our team to address forum questions more quickly. If you don't receive a response within two working days, please email us at or repost your question. Email would be better option.

    Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve the course. Please continue to use the anonymous form to share your thoughts and suggestions. The more detailed your feedback, the better we can address your concerns.

    Link to anonymous feedback:

    Have a great Friday!

  • Week5 Wednesday Questionnaire | help session today

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Wednesday 26 June 2024, 10:38:49 AM.

    We will be covering a little bit of Python today. Can you please fill in the questionnaire below? Thanks.

    Also, don’t forget we have help session today at the following time.

    Kind regards,


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