
  • This course has come to its end | thank you for your enthusiasm and dedication

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh 6 months ago.

    Dear Students,

    This course has come to its end. I have been teaching at UNSW for a while now and I can say teaching this course was one of the best experiences for me. Your enthusiasm and dedication truly made this course special.

    I wish you all the best in your future studies and careers. I hope the knowledge and skills you've gained in this course will serve you well as you move forward.

    I made some further explanation on remark request process here:

    Warm regards,

  • Raw Exam Marks Released

    Posted by Dylan Brotherston 🕴️ 6 months ago, last modified 6 months ago.


    Q8 Q9 Q10 now have correct marks.

    These is an issue with marks for Q8 Q9 Q10
    We are fixing this now.

    Hi everyone,

    We have now released marks for each exam question.

    You can view your marks by either running the command:
    3311 classrun -sturec
    on VLAB or SSH
    or by going to

    Scaling has been applied to your final mark, but we cannot share what this scaling is, nor your total mark for COMP3311.
    This is UNSW policy.

  • Good luck!

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh 7 months ago.

    I want to take a moment to wish you all the very best. Remember to use the reading time to read each question carefully, and give it your best effort.

    Good luck, and I look forward to seeing your success!


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