
  • The first Online Help session is happening till 2pm today

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Tuesday 02 July 2024, 12:28:30 PM.

    Hello everyone,

    I hope you are having a good flexible week so far.
    As you might know from my last post, you have two online help sessions during week6, flexible week. The first one is today from 12pm to 2pm (Online) and is happening now.

    Kind regards,

  • Week6 Flexible week | Online Help Sessions on Week6

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Sunday 30 June 2024, 08:12:15 PM.

    Hello everyone,

    Week 6 is a flexible week, so there will be no lecture or tutorial. Originally, there were no help sessions planned for Week 6, but we have added two online help sessions:

    • Tuesday , June 2, from 12 PM to 2 PM (Online)
    • Wednesday , June 3, from 3 PM to 5 PM (Online)

    I will also hold my usual online consultation on Friday from 3:30-4:30 PM.

    We will continue answering your questions on the Ed forum.

    Have a great flex week!

    See you on Monday Week 7,

  • help session Friday week5

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Friday 28 June 2024, 01:03:34 PM, last modified Sunday 30 June 2024, 08:01:41 PM.


    I usually don't announce help sessions. But because you have an assignment deadline very soon, I just want to remind you about the help session today at the following time.

    Complete list:

    Kind regards,

  • Answering your feedback and concerns on anonymous feedback form

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Friday 28 June 2024, 01:00:26 PM.

    Thank you to all students who provided feedback through the anonymous forum. We appreciate your input and have addressed your concerns as follows:

    Help Sessions:

    • Need help sessions from week1 onwards to ensure students can stay on top of their work. currently, very poorly organised

    Our answer: We've added ongoing help sessions starting from week 4 to help students stay on top of their work. We also added some more earlier at the start of the term. You can access the schedule here:

    Audio Issues:

    • The audio in the lecture recordings has been getting quieter week after week...
    • Couldn't hear the audio in the lecture recordings at all
    • Hi, sometimes the online lectures have a very low volume, to the point that I can barely hear it even when my volume is on max. Please check before uploading.
    • Could you please check that the microphone is loud enough for recording? It is very frustrating to watch the lecture recording with such a low volume. Thank you!!

    Our answer: This is an unfortunate issue. I have been trying to fix this issue for some time. So I followed up with the UNSW IT for a very long time. They suggested different solutions and I tried them one by one. Unfortunately some of their solutions made it worse. Their most recent fix seems to be working well. If you encounter a recording without audio, please let us know the specific lecture so we can address it promptly. I received an anonymous comment that one week has no voice recording. Unfortunately, I could not find one without any voice recording. I found one with a low volume. If you can find it and tell me exactly which one is it, I should be able to fix it and re-upload it again.

    Content Clarity:

    • Armin needs to explain content more clearer, it feels rushed and unprepared at times.

    Our answer : I try my best to explain content as clear as I can. It is unfortunately to see I did not succeed completely. I try my best to address this issue on my future lectures. If you can fill the form again and let me know which content it was related to, I really appreciate it. This way, I can learn from it and improve my future lectures.

    Forum Response Time:

    • I asked question in forum almost one day ago and still no tutor answered. Would be great if tutors can respond faster.

    Our answer: We've expanded our team to address forum questions more quickly. If you don't receive a response within two working days, please email us at or repost your question. Email would be better option.

    Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve the course. Please continue to use the anonymous form to share your thoughts and suggestions. The more detailed your feedback, the better we can address your concerns.

    Link to anonymous feedback:

    Have a great Friday!

  • Week5 Wednesday Questionnaire | help session today

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Wednesday 26 June 2024, 10:38:49 AM.

    We will be covering a little bit of Python today. Can you please fill in the questionnaire below? Thanks.

    Also, don’t forget we have help session today at the following time.

    Kind regards,


  • Monday week5 lecture slides are updated

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Tuesday 25 June 2024, 01:17:57 PM.

    Hello students,

    I have updated lecture slides for week5 Monday. The most recent version is now 1.1 . Most of changes are minor. For two slides with examples, I added more details on slides so when you read the slides you can understand them. These are the same content that I explained during the lecture.
    New versions always replace the old versions on webCMS. For quick access just click here:
    These are the two slides with more details:

    More information on overdrawing:

    This is a great website that explains many money topics:


  • Help sessions Today, Tuesdays, f2f 12:00- 14:00 CSE Building K17 Go5

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Tuesday 25 June 2024, 11:27:15 AM.

    I just want to remind you that we are having our f2f help session today from 12:00-14:00 at CSE Building K17 G05.
    Feel free to go there if you have any questions.
    Full timetable:

    See you on Wednesday,

  • Week 5 Mon and Wed Lecture Slides are Now Available

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Saturday 22 June 2024, 02:57:33 PM, last modified Sunday 23 June 2024, 11:07:04 AM.

    Hello everyone,

    The lecture slides for both Wk5 Mon and Wed version 1.0 have been added to the course materials. You can easily access them by navigating to the "Lectures" section in the left menu. Here's the direct link for your convenience:

    Happy Learning!

  • Do the quiz3 if you haven’t | its deadline is tonight

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Friday 21 June 2024, 08:10:18 PM.

    Dear students,

    This is just a reminder that the deadline for your third quiz is tonight. It means less than 4 hours is left for you to do it.
    If you haven’t yet, give it a try.

    have a great weekend,

  • Help sessions on weeks 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10 | Today from 1pm to 4pm at K17 G05.

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Friday 21 June 2024, 12:54:40 PM.

    Dear students,

    We have set up help sessions on weeks 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10. You can view the complete list from the "Help Sessions" section from the left menu. Or use this link:

    One is actually happening right now from 1pm-4pm at K17 G05.

    These are in addition to my normal online consultations hours from 3:30 to 4:30 every Friday.

    Kind regards,

  • Help Sessions | Week4 Wednesday and Friday

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Wednesday 19 June 2024, 10:34:04 AM.

    Hello everyone,

    For week4, we are going to have in-person help sessions on Wednesday 4pm-6pm and Friday 1pm-4pm . Both located in K17 G05.

    If you need help with postgresql or assignment or anything in the course feel free to go to these sessions. I am also running my usual online consultation on Fridays as usual.

    Kind regards,

  • Week 4 Wed Lecture Slides are Now Available

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Tuesday 18 June 2024, 01:20:29 PM.

    Hello everyone,

    The lecture slides for Week 4 Wed have been added to the course materials. You can easily access them by navigating to the "Lectures" section in the left menu. Here's the direct link for your convenience:

    Happy Learning!

  • You can now view week4 Monday lecture slides

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Saturday 15 June 2024, 10:24:56 PM.

    Hello everyone,

    You can now view Monday week4 lecture slides version 1.0
    All lecture slides are inside the "Lecture" section from left menu.

    Kind regards,

  • Assignment1 is now released | COMP3311

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Friday 14 June 2024, 10:06:25 PM, last modified Friday 14 June 2024, 11:54:36 PM.

    Dear students,

    You can now access the spec for assignment1. You can either access it through the "Assignments" at the menu bar on the left. Or access it directly through this link .

    This is the first time we are using this database in this course. This assignment is a unique blend of two things that I enjoy a lot, databases and art. We hope that this blend makes your journey of learning about database even more interesting.

    I will give a quick summary about it at the start of our Monday's lecture.

    Remember we are here to help. We are having help sessions again starting from the coming week. I also have my consultations as the usual time. If there is a need, I will add more. Just remember, we are here to help you to learn.

    * Photo by Robert Levonyan Unsplash - XB93BUnJtqA

    Kind regards,
    COMP3311 teaching team

  • Accessing Tuesday Lecture Recording

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Thursday 13 June 2024, 12:58:40 AM.

    Hello everyone,

    I have noticed that some students couldn't find lectures for the Tuesday session. All the materials related to lectures can be found from "Lectures" under "Course Work" from the left menu. This include the Tuesday recording. I also put all the solutions to exercises during the lecture on the same place and called them "Data".

    Kind regards,

  • See you at 10am | session will be recorded | I have updated today's lecture slides

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Tuesday 11 June 2024, 09:32:57 AM.

    Hello everyone,

    The lecture for today at 10:00am will be fully online and the recording will be shared to students.

    Teams meeting:

    I have also updated lecture slides for today.

    Kind regards,

  • The lecture slides for Week 3 Wed have been added to the course materials.

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Monday 10 June 2024, 10:51:59 AM.

    Hello everyone,

    The lecture slides for Week 3 Wed have been added to the course materials.

    You can easily access lecture slides by navigating to the "Lectures" section in the left menu. Here's the direct link for your convenience:

    I might update slides before the lecture to make them easier to be understood. The main content will stay the same. If I update any slide, I will change the version number, as shown on the first slide. Also, at the end of slides, I provide the list of all changes.

    Happy Learning!

  • Week3 Mon (Tue) Slides | King's birthday

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Sunday 09 June 2024, 12:59:41 PM.

    Hello everyone,

    The lecture slides for Week 2 Mon (Tue) have been added to the course materials.
    Just a reminder that due to this Monday being a public holiday, we are running the it, just for this week, on Tuesday 11th of June from 10am to 12pm Online. The session will be fully online and the recording will be shared to students.
    Teams meeting:

    You can easily access lecture slides by navigating to the "Lectures" section in the left menu. Here's the direct link for your convenience:

    Happy Learning!

  • ​We have released five, past year final exams | COMP3311

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Sunday 09 June 2024, 09:10:30 AM, last modified Sunday 09 June 2024, 12:53:37 PM.

    Dear Students

    We have released five, past year final exams. You should now have access to the final exams from 20T3, 21T3, 22T3, 23T1, and 23T3.These are likely all the final exams available for this course. If you wish to practice for your final exam with a past final exam that you have not seen before, we recommend reviewing four of them now and keeping one unseen for your final exam preparation, if you wish. You can access them from the left menu.

    Here is the link:

    Kind regards,

  • King's birthday | Anonymous feedback

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Saturday 08 June 2024, 12:00:00 PM.

    Dear students,

    Because of the King's birthday, the week3 Monday's Lecture Moved to Tuesday 11th of June from 10am to 12pm:
    Please be informed that due to the King's Birthday on June 10th, our Monday lecture has been rescheduled to Tuesday from 10 am to 12 pm, conducted online through Teams. I understand that some students may not be able to attend, so I will record the session for you to watch at your convenience.


    If you have a tutorial scheduled for Monday, June 10th:
    If you have a tutorial scheduled for Monday, June 10th, your tutor should have already contacted you regarding the public holiday. If you wish, you can attend other tutors' tutorials for Week 3. I have already discussed this arrangement with them. Please inform both your regular tutor and the new tutor you plan to attend.

    Anonymous feedback for week1 and week2:
    Regarding your anonymous feedback, I have carefully read all the comments and have made my best efforts to address them. Here are the feedbacks from Week 1 and Week 2, along with the actions I have taken or plan to take:

    Feedbacks on issue on sound quality:

    • If the speakers are louder that would be great 👍🤠
    • the last microphone was much better
    • please articulate more and speak clearer, don't mumble at the end of sentences
    • "- microphone quality makes bit harder to hear
    • Voice is tiny and hard to hear from the lecture hall, but somehow OK to hear in the lecture recording.
    • Mic quality is much better this lecture, but would it be possible to turn up the volume just a little as it was quiet. Thanks!
    • The lecture volume was really low !?
    • "Except for the start, good audio volume.
    • The audio is unclear and the tempo of the lecture is slow
    • Hi Dr Armin, the volume in the recordings for this week Wednesday lecture was very low. I had to turn up the volume on my laptop (Mac) all the way to the top and listen to it in a very quiet room so that I could hear clearly.

    Our answer:
    I've noticed that the voice quality in our online videos could be better. Despite trying different settings, I haven't seen a significant improvement yet. Last Monday, during the second week, I attempted to record my voice using my AirPods, but they didn't work well for me. For some reason, they gave me headaches after a few minutes, so I stopped using them. I'm currently exploring alternative options and hope to find a solution that provides clearer audio. Additionally, I'm making conscious efforts to speak more clearly and loudly.

    · I think it would be helpful rather than jumping straight into examples is to go over the rules which govern how the representations are created/interpreted

    Our answer:
    I believe this issue is related to the lecture on Monday of week 2. Thanks to this feedback and other comments received from students during and after that lecture, I have incorporated a new summary section related to the Monday lecture to review the key points and placed it into Wednesday lecture. Going forward, I will aim to place more emphasis on the initial summary portion of the lectures

    · Could you please make the lecture slides available maybe a couple days before lecture actually starts.

    Our answer:
    You're correct; providing the slides in advance would be better. I review the slides multiple times before each lecture and update them to enhance clarity. However, the changes are not drastic. My approach will be to release the initial version first, and if I make any slight modifications, I will update the slide and mention the changes at the end. I will also assign a version code. As mentioned, the changes are solely intended to improve clarity, while the main content remains unchanged


    • · "Hi Armin, When you explain concepts, if it’s the first time referring to a technical term, I think it would be good to explain it briefly. Like if you refer to a server, or vlab etc. Please assume we are really stupid ! Thanks so much !"
    • · I think it would be helpful rather than jumping straight into examples is to go over the rules which govern how the representations are created/interpreted

    Our answer: Thank you for the feedback. I will ensure that I provide more detailed explanations before presenting examples.

    Feedback :

    • · I'm enjoying the interactive lessons
    • · I found the example in the Wednesday lecture really helpful. Thanks Armin
    • · I liked the use of examples to illustrate the concepts, e.g. explaining the importance of constraints by using the example of accidentally giving a student 120/20 in an assignment.

    Our answer: Thank you. I will keep doing this and will make sure to provide even more examples to ensure the content is clear and understandable

    Overall, I can tell you are making an effort with teaching the course, keep it up!"

    Our answer: Thanks!

    · Ability to explain concepts is not bad but I see room for improvement.

    Our answer: We try our best to improve. If you can provide suggestions on areas where we can enhance our efforts, it would be extremely helpful.


    • Working through the example tasks from scratch is helpful for understanding but sometimes the pace is too slow when there is a lot of setup or repeated content.
    • - bit slow paced"

    Our answer: I understand what the student’s concern. However, finding the right pace for teaching is a challenging aspect. We need to consider all groups of students, as some prefer a slower pace, while others expect a faster one. My approach is to strike a balance that allows all students to grasp the concepts while simultaneously keeping them engaged and interested.

    Our feedback form is fully anonymous. I personally read every single piece of feedback received, and provide a comprehensive explanation of the outcomes here on a fortnightly or weekly basis. Link to anonymous form:

    Have a great long weekend everyone!

  • COMP3311 | Weekly online consultations | Every Friday 3:30-4:30pm

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Friday 07 June 2024, 02:17:31 PM.

    Hello everyone,
    I just want to remind you that I have my weekly consultation every Friday, including today, from 3:30pm to 4:30pm. Join in if you have any question about the the course, including your quiz.

    Kind regards,

  • Quiz 1 reminder

    Posted by Dylan Brotherston 🕴️ Thursday 06 June 2024, 06:49:26 PM.

    Currently 200 students have not compleated Quiz 1.

    If you are one of those students you have just under 30 hours left (due at midnight tomorrow) to compleate the quiz.

  • Week 2 Wed Lecture Slides are Now Available

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Wednesday 05 June 2024, 10:54:17 AM.

    Hello everyone,

    The lecture slides for Week 2 Wed have been added to the course materials. You can easily access them by navigating to the "Lectures" section in the left menu. Here's the direct link for your convenience:

    Happy Learning!

  • You can now view the solutions to week2 monday lecture

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Monday 03 June 2024, 09:56:29 PM.

    Dear students,
    You can now find the solutions to week2 monday lecture through this link:
    They are placed under : "Data (Answers) for week2 Monday (link)".

    Kind regards,

  • Week 2 Lecture Slides are Now Available

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Saturday 01 June 2024, 01:48:52 PM.

    Hello everyone,

    The lecture slides for Week 2 have been added to the course materials. You can easily access them by navigating to the "Lectures" section in the left menu. Here's the direct link for your convenience:

    Happy Learning!

  • In-person and Online Consultations

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Friday 31 May 2024, 08:51:28 AM.

    Dear Students,

    If you have any questions about the content, here's how you can get help.

    In-Person Consultations
    I offer in-person consultations before and after each of my lectures. I will remain available as long as there are students with questions. Online students are also welcome to attend our in-person lectures and asks me their questions after the lecture.

    Additionally, you can ask your tutors during your tutorial sessions.

    Weekly Online Consultations
    Starting this week, I will be hosting weekly online consultations on Microsoft Teams. These sessions will be held every Friday from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM. The first session is today. You can join the meeting every week using the following link:

    Additional Support
    If you are unable to attend either the in-person or online consultations and still have questions, please email the course's email address. I will be happy to schedule an additional consultation to address your specific concerns.

    Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or need assistance. Our goal is to help you learn the concepts in this course.

    Best regards,

  • Sources of Information | Recommended Study Approach | COMP3311

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Friday 31 May 2024, 08:43:26 AM.

    Dear students,

    On my O-week video and the first lecture I discussed what each resources at this course means and how you can be learn the most out of this course and also what is examinable what is not.

    Since this is an important matter, I want to mention them here again.

    Sources of information:

    • Topic Video: Primary content (examinable)
    • Lectures: Summarised content + examples (examinable)
    • Previous Course Notes: More detailed version of topic video slides
    • Textbooks: Most detailed version of topics

    "Previous Course Notes" and "Textbooks" provide more detailed information to aid learning, but any content exclusive to these resources and not covered in the topic videos or lectures is not examinable.

    We have a limited time during the lecture. Our focus is to spend more time on topics for which students usually have issues. During week1, our focus was to help students fully understand ER models. We briefly covered over Relational Data Models. We are going to talk more about them on Monday week2 lecture. However, for the week2 tutorial, you might want to also have a look at Topic Videos for week1.

    Recommended Study Approach:

    We provide different sources and activities and you can decide what is the best way to navigate them. However our recommended study approach is the following:

    1. Read and watch the Topic Videos, as they contain the core examinable material.
    2. Attend lectures, participate in solving examples, and ask questions to reinforce understanding of the examinable content.
    3. Attempt practice exercises on your own to apply the concepts.
    4. Complete tutorial questions before attending tutorials. Attend your tutorial and actively participate, and ask questions for clarification.
    5. Ask questions during online consultations or after/before lectures for more complex queries. Ask your tutors. Use the forum for simpler, one-sentence questions.
    6. Take quizzes and complete assignments to test your learning and prepare for the final exam. These are summative assessments.
    7. Do the exam.

    It's worth emphasising that quizzes and assignments serve a dual purpose: not only they help you learning the concepts but they also help you be prepared for the final exam.

    I hope this helps, if you have any questions please let us know.

    Kind regards,

  • The solutions for the exercises from Wednesday's lecture have now been added | COMP3311

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Thursday 30 May 2024, 09:24:07 AM.

    Dear students,

    The solutions for the week 1 wed lecture exercises have been added to the week 1 wed lecture slides.

    The first exercise was a discussion so the solution was not added to the slides. However, a solution has been provided at this link:

    You can access all of these from the 'Lectures' menu on the left.

    Kind Regards,

  • YouTube Lecture Recordings and Echo360 Live lectures

    Posted by Dylan Brotherston 🕴️ Wednesday 29 May 2024, 01:08:27 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    As a few people have asked for it we have upload the Monday lecture to YouTube link available here:

    Each lecture will be upload to YouTube, but it may take up to 24 hours before it is available, Echo360 recordings are available immediately after the lecture.

    As of today's lecture Echo360 will allow you to live-stream lectures. You can access the lectures via Moodle.
    Questions are welcome in the Echo360 Q&A chat.

  • Lecture slides for Wednesday week1 are released

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Wednesday 29 May 2024, 09:31:30 AM.

    Dear students,

    Lectures slides v1.0 for Wednesday Week1 are now released and you can access them here:

    Kind regards,

  • Wed lecture 14 - 16

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Wednesday 29 May 2024, 07:57:05 AM.

    Hello everyone,

    1. Wed lecture has a different time and location compared to Monday s lecture. It will be at Keith Burrows Theatre. It also starts at 2:00.

    Wed 14:00 - 16:00 Keith Burrows Theatre (K-J14-G5)

    2. Solutions to Mon lecture is released. I usually release them a day after the lecture. You can find them here:

    3. Light rail strike action today. I received the following email. If you are using light rail to come to campus please take this into consideration.

    See you soon at Keith Burrows Theatre


    Light Rail strike, 29 May: Replacement buses from Central Station to Kensington campus

    UNSW will run a shuttle bus service from Central Station to the Kensington campus during the Light Rail strike action tomorrow, Wednesday 29 May.

    Shuttle buses for UNSW students and staff will run from Stand A on Eddy Avenue outside Central Station to Gate <u>8, High St</u> <u>between 8am and 10am</u> and then from Gate 8 to Central Station <u>between 4pm and 6pm</u>.

    A UNSW security guard will be at the Central Station bus stand in the morning to help direct students and staff.

    <u> View the shuttle bus timetable </u>

    <u> Track the shuttle bus location </u>

  • PostgreSQL Setup Help Sessions

    Posted by Dylan Brotherston 🕴️ Monday 27 May 2024, 04:30:23 PM.

    3 Help Sessions will be running this week to assist with setting up PostgreSQL on the CSE database server.

    Tuesday 12pm-2pm
    Thursday 4pm-6pm
    Friday 2pm-4pm

    All 3 sessions will be in-person running in the "CSE Help!" room K17 G05 .

    This sessions are intended for students who are having issues setting up PostgeSQL.

    You should attempt to complete Prac Exercise 01 before attending the Help Session.

    If you can successfully complete Prac Exercise 01 you do not need to attend these Help Sessions.

    Everyone should complete Prac Exercise 01 before the end of week01, as the majority of future courses content assumes that you have a PostgreSQL server accessible.

  • See you in 30 minutes! Monday 16:00 - 18:00 Science Theatre (K-F13-G09)| Our First Lecture Today!

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Monday 27 May 2024, 01:59:15 PM, last modified Monday 27 May 2024, 03:32:35 PM.

    Dear Students,

    I can't wait to start off our first lecture today! Here are the key details you need to know:

    Lecture Time and Venue

    • Monday , 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Science Theatre (K-F13-G09)

    You can access the lecture slides at the following link:

    Weekly Lecture Schedule

    Please note that we have two lectures scheduled each week at different times and locations:

    • Mondays : 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Science Theatre (K-F13-G09)
    • Wednesdays : 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM at Keith Burrows Theatre (K-J14-G5)

    Be Mindful of the Construction

    There is currently some construction happening in front of the Science Theatre . Please exercise caution when approaching the venue for our Monday lectures.

    I'm excited to start this educational journey with all of you. See you soon!

    Best regards,

  • Tutorial classes start week02

    Posted by Dylan Brotherston 🕴️ Sunday 26 May 2024, 08:12:34 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    It has been brought to our attention that your myUNSW timetable says that tutorial classes start in week01. This is incorrect. Tutorial classes start in week02, only lectures run in week01.

    We have notified UNSW Time-Tabling about the issue and your timetable should be updated early next week.

  • Welcome to COMP3311 24T2 | accessing the ed forum

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Sunday 26 May 2024, 10:15:12 AM, last modified Sunday 26 May 2024, 10:16:03 AM.

    Hello everyone and welcome to COMP3311 24T2!

    I'm Armin and I'll be the Lecturer in Charge this term.
    Dylan will be the main course admin for this term. He will be dealing with most of the behind-the-scenes for the course.

    ----------------Armin ------------------------------------- Dylan-------------------

    You will also get to meet our fantastic 15 strong team of tutors in classes.

    We made a similar announcement on ed but we noticed some students can not access ed at this stage. So we decided to make this announcement.

    Course Overview and Welcome Video:
    To help you get a head start and familiarise yourself with the course, I've prepared a course overview video. You can find similar resources at "Topic Videos" on the left menu.

    You should be able to view the video on Youtube and download the slides using the link above.

    Accessing Course Forum (ED)

    The course ED forum has set up, it is the best place for most questions.
    Login to the course forum using this email format where z1234567 is your zID.
    Please read the welcome message for some forum etiquette guidelines and leave a message introducing yourself.
    If you can't access the course forum try going to your ED profile setting in the top right corner and adding and as alternative email addresses, again where z1234567 is your zID.

    I'm looking forward to an engaging and productive term with all of you.

    Kind regards,

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