
  • Taste of Research Summer Scholarships 2016/2017

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Monday 11 July 2016, 12:10:54 PM.

    Taste of Research Summer Scholarship Applications are now open. You can find further information at the following link -

    Please note that this scheme is only open to Undergraduate Students.

  • Final Marks Released

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Monday 04 July 2016, 09:51:52 AM.

    Marks for the final exam (finalExam) and the final course result (CourseResult) are now available. A rank (CourseRank) computed separately for COMP3331 and COMP9331 is also available. You can access them via WebCMS3 or here . Some upward scaling has been applied. The final exam average was 27.5 (COMP3331) and 24 (COMP9331)

    Congratulations to the following students for excelling in the course:


    Kwun Yiu Cadmus To, 97

    David Hindmarsh, 96

    Samuel Turner, 95


    Mingxuan Hu, 100 (You are awesome !!)

    Guannan Lin, 97

    Victor Wong, 96

    Well done everyone and wish you the best in your future endeavours.

  • Assignment 2 Marks

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Wednesday 15 June 2016, 11:22:54 AM.

    The marks for the second assignment are now visible. You can access them via WebCMS3 or here .

    The assignment was worth 13 marks. The 2 extra marks are for the extended version. Remember that you can carry forward a maximum of 2 bonus marks from the assignments to the final mark (i.e. the assignment total will be capped at 27 marks).

    The class average (PG + UG combined) was 8.1.

    The assignment marking guide and configuration files for the test topologies that were used are available on the Assignment 2 page

    If you have any questions about the marks, please first contact your tutor. Tutor information is here

  • Consults for Final Exam

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Thursday 09 June 2016, 04:26:21 PM.

    I will hold consults at the following times:

    • Tuesday, 14th June, 3pm - 4pm
    • Wednesday, 15th June, 2pm - 3pm

    I sit in Room 612, Level 6, CSE (K17). Stop by if you have questions.

  • Lab Marks + CATEI Feedback

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Wednesday 08 June 2016, 06:17:01 PM.

    Marks for the outstanding labs (Labs 4 + 5) are now available. You can access them via WebCMS3 or here .

    Solutions are available on the labs page. If you have questions please contact your tutors. Their names and email addresses are available on the timetables page.

    Please complete the CATEI feedback forms (Forms A and B) accessible via myUNSW. Your feedback is important for improving subsequent offerings of this course. Forms will remain open until Friday, 10th June.

  • A few announcements

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Tuesday 31 May 2016, 12:34:14 PM, last modified Tuesday 31 May 2016, 12:36:25 PM.

    • A reminder that the last review lecture will take place on 1st June, Wednesday @ 4pm in the regular lecture theatre (Law Theatre G04). Several review questions have been posted on the lecture notes. Students are encouraged to solve these before the lecture.
    • Please complete the CATEI feedback forms (Forms A and B) accessible via myUNSW. Your feedback is important for improving subsequent offerings of this course. Forms will remain open until 10th June.
    • Students will be able to carry forward up to 2 bonus marks from the assignment total towards their final mark, i.e., the cumulative assignment marks (ass1 + ass2) will be capped at 27 marks .
    • Assignment 2 is due on Friday, 3rd June, 11:59pm . No extensions will be offered. There will be no demo. Your submissions will be marked on CSE machines. It is thus imperative that you test your code on a CSE machine before submission.

  • Reminder: No Lectures in Week 12 and Final Lecture on 1st June, Wednesday (Week 13)

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Thursday 19 May 2016, 05:05:47 PM, last modified Wednesday 25 May 2016, 12:02:25 AM.

    There will be no lectures in Week 12 . I am traveling for a conference and we have almost finished most of the content for the course. We will have our final lecture on 1st June (Wednesday, Week 13) from 4-6pm in the usual room (Law Theatre G04), during which we will wrap up network security, discuss about the final exam and solve a few practice questions.

  • Lab Exercise 5 now up

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Sunday 15 May 2016, 07:54:00 AM, last modified Sunday 15 May 2016, 07:54:23 AM.

    The last lab exercise is up on the webpage. As before, you will have one week to complete the exercises and submit your lab report. Have fun !!

    Note that, the second experiment may not work on the VM on your personal machine. In this case, you will have to run in it in the CSE lab. As such, we recommend that you first attempt the second exercise during your lab time.

  • Assignment & Lab Marks

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Wednesday 11 May 2016, 02:10:15 PM, last modified Thursday 12 May 2016, 12:21:33 PM.

    The marks for labs 3a + 3b and the first assignment are now visible. You can access them via WebCMS3 or here .

    Solutions for the labs are available on the lab exercises page.

    If you have any questions about the marks, please first contact your tutor. Tutor information is here

    UPDATE: (1) The assignment was worth 12 marks. The 2 extra points are for the extended version.

    (2) The class average (PG + UG combined) was 10.4.

  • Assignment 2 and Lab Update

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Friday 06 May 2016, 03:48:23 PM.

    Assignment 2 Released: After much deliberation and considering the issues encountered with Mininet, the second assignment will NOT be based on Mininet. The specification has been released. Check the Assignment 2 link in the left frame.

    Lab Update: We have also scrapped next week's lab (i.e. Week 10). You can use that time to work on the assignment (However, students in the Monday lab will do Lab Exercise 4 on Monday, 9th May) . There will be one last Mininet lab (Lab 5) in Week 11. Check the revised lab schedule on the Labs page.

  • Lab 4 Exercise 1: Parking Lot

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Friday 06 May 2016, 10:51:37 AM.

    It appears that the parking lot script hangs after n=1 for a few students. However, I have been unable to reproduce the error. Since the graphs and logs are generated automatically by the scripts, I thought that I could make then available for those students who have had issues with the script. You can use these graphs to answer the questions in the exercise.

    You can download an archive of the output directory that is created by the script at the following link .

    You can also download using wget as follows -

    mininet@mininet-vm: wget

  • Mininet Consultations on 2nd & 3rd May

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Friday 29 April 2016, 10:56:04 AM.

    We will run two consultation sessions next week to help students resolve issues with Mininet setup and operation. Please stop by if you have had issues in getting Mininet going on your machines. Details are below.

    Dates: 2nd May (Monday) & 3rd May (Tuesday)

    Time: 10:30 am - 11:30 am

    Location: Room 403, Level 4, CSE (K17)

  • Assignment 1 Demo Schedule

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Thursday 21 April 2016, 09:24:58 AM.

    The demo schedule for Assignment 1 is here . Students MUST attend in their allotted slot.

    Since Monday 25th April is a public holiday, Monday labs will demo their assignment on 2nd May (Week 9). Moreover, the schedule for Monday labs will be skewed by a week. The demo will be in Week 9, Lab 4 in Week 10, Lab 5 in Week 11 and Lab 6 in Week 12.

  • Assignment 1 Deadline Extended by 1 day

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Wednesday 20 April 2016, 06:11:15 PM.

    After several requests, I have decided to extend the deadline by 1 day to 11:59pm, Saturday, 23rd April. No further extensions will be offered.

  • Mid-session Exam marks available

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Wednesday 20 April 2016, 10:02:56 AM, last modified Wednesday 20 April 2016, 12:23:35 PM.

    The marks for the mid-session exam are now available. You can access them via WebCMS3 or here

    Solutions can be accessed here (password protected and requires SSL access)

    Some interesting statistics are here

  • Lab Exercise 3b material is up

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Monday 18 April 2016, 09:38:47 AM.

    The material for Lab Exercise 3b: Network Performance using Mininet is now available on the course website.

  • Mid-session Exam on Wednesday, 13th April

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Monday 11 April 2016, 07:00:33 PM.

    The mid-session exam will be held on Wednesday, 13th April during the regular lecture time (4-6pm) in the regular lecture theatre (Law Theatre G04).

    Further details (including a template of the question paper) are here

  • Lab Exercise 2 Marks and Solutions

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Tuesday 05 April 2016, 06:09:07 PM.

    Marks for the second lab are now available. You can access them via WebCMS3 or here

    Talk to your tutor if you have questions about the marks.

    Solutions are linked to the Labs page.

    The submission for lab3a is due next week (Week 6), i.e. 7 days after your scheduled lab.

  • Lab Exercise for Week 5

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Friday 01 April 2016, 05:43:28 PM.

    We will commence our journey with mininet in next week's lab. The lab material is online. Everyone is urged to read up on mininet & python basics. There are several embedded links available in the Introduction and setup guide. We would also encourage everyone to install the mininet VM on their personal machines. This will allow you to work with mininet on your own time.

  • Lab Exercise 1 Marks and Solutions are available

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Thursday 24 March 2016, 05:51:53 PM.

    Marks for the first lab are now available. You can access them via WebCMS3 or here

    Talk to your tutor if you have questions about the marks.

    Solutions are linked to the Labs page.

    Lab reports for the second lab are due next week.

  • Week 4 Content is up

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Tuesday 22 March 2016, 10:23:06 AM.

    The material for week 4 is now available on the webpage. We will start with transport protocols. Please read up the relevant sections (3.1-3.4) from the text.

  • Lab Exercise 2 now up

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Saturday 19 March 2016, 12:57:27 PM.

    The second lab exercise is up on the webpage. As before, you will have one week to complete the exercises and submit your lab report. Have fun !!

  • Week 3 Content is up

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Tuesday 15 March 2016, 11:16:47 AM.

    Lecture material for Week 3 is up on the website. Please read up on Email, DNS and P2P prior to the lectures this week.

  • Few announcements

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Sunday 13 March 2016, 06:28:25 PM.

    • The first programming assignment is up. Check the link under Course Work on the webpage.
    • The first lab report is due this week (week 3) before your scheduled lab slot. Submission instructions are on the lab exercise page.
    • The lab task for this week is to practice socket programming. This lab is not marked.

  • Week 2 Material is up

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Tuesday 08 March 2016, 09:58:06 AM.

    Lecture material for Week 2 is up on the website. Please read up on protocol layering and HTTP prior to the lectures this week. A number of sample questions (for Weeks 1 & 2) have been posted in two places - (i) co-located with the lecture notes and (ii) Sample Questions page. You are strongly encouraged to discuss and work out the solutions.

  • First lab exercise is up

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Friday 04 March 2016, 04:06:51 PM.

    The first lab exercise is up on the webpage. Remember that labs begin next week (i.e. Week 2). Students are strongly urged to read the Tools of the Trade introductory document available on the labs page prior to the lab. Have fun !!

  • Labs begin in Week 2

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Monday 29 February 2016, 05:44:38 PM.

    A reminder that labs will commence in Week 2.

  • Welcome to COMP3331/9331

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Friday 19 February 2016, 11:24:32 AM, last modified Friday 26 February 2016, 12:04:23 PM.

    Welcome to COMP3331/9331.

    Please read the course outline carefully before our first lecture on Wed, 2nd Mar 16-18 in Law Theatre 04.

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