Dear Students,
The scaled final marks are now available. There maybe scaling for overall marks as well. We will keep you updated on that.
Update: ScaledOverall marks are also available now.
I appreciate your patience in waiting for these marks to be released.
Dear students,
The final marks visible to you are provisional and would be scaled up after the consultations are over. Please do not assume that you have failed the course based on these provisional marks. The scaled final marks would be visible to you by midday Saturday 24th Nov.
I apologise for the lack of clarity about the scaling process.
Final exam marks are released. We have arranged consultations for students who want to check their final exam paper. Note that you can only see your exam paper and solutions, but are not allowed to take any note. You have maximum of 10 min to check your paper.
Please email me ( ) with subject “Final exam consultation booking”. In your email include your znumber , your first and last name (as per your student ID) and the ID of the consultation you want to attend (find ID from the first column in the table below).
Important note: consultations for COMP3331 are different with COMP9331, make sure you book correct consultation.
ID |
Day |
Date |
Time |
Location |
Course |
1 |
Wednesday |
21-Nov |
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. |
K17, room 508 |
COMP3331 |
2 |
Wednesday |
21-Nov |
2 p.m. – 4 p.m. |
K17, room 508 |
COMP9331 |
3 |
Thursday |
22-Nov |
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. |
K17, room 508 |
COMP3331 |
4 |
Thursday |
22-Nov |
3 p.m. – 5 p.m. |
K17, room 508 |
COMP9331 |
5 |
Friday |
23-Nov |
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. |
K17, room 403 |
COMP3331 |
6 |
Friday |
23-Nov |
2 p.m. – 4 p.m. |
K17, room 403 |
COMP9331 |
A reminder that the final exam will be held tomorrow Friday, 9th November 2018 from 13:45 - 16:00 . Check your exam timetable for the seating arrangement.
A template of the final exam paper is available here . Please answer the two sections on different answer booklets .
Make sure you are fully rested and sleep well tonight. Don't skip lunch before the exam. Stay calm and collected. If a question appears to stump you, simply move forward and complete the rest of the exam. Return to it later. The questions are NOT ordered according to the level of difficulty.
Good luck !!
Assignment marks are released. The tutors have left comments if they have deducted any mark. In case you want further clarification about your mark please first email your tutor, i.e., the tutor of your normal lab time slot. You can find the list of tutors and their email here . If the issue is not solved by the tutor, then please email me.
Note, you first need to contact your tutor. Any query comes to us which is not sent to the tutor before will be forwarded to the tutor.
To see the comments with your mark, you have to connect to your cse account and run: 3331 classrun -sturec
We also released the marking criteria. You can access here . In comments, if you see, p1t1 it means part 1 test 1.
The consultation hours for lecturer would change to Tuesday 12 - 2pm at CSE consultation room 403 during week 13 (23rd October), 14 (30th October) and 15 (6th November). There would be no consultation hour on Wednesdays in these weeks.
Please note that you have to book an appointment by sending an email to with subject "Consultation", and your zID and date you want to attend. I would not be available for walk-in consultation if no such request is received in advance.
Assignment consultation time slots for week 12 are now open for booking.
Assignment consultation time slots for week 11 are now open for booking.
Assignment consultation time slots for week 10 are now open for bookings. Please check the updated timetable as Java consultation time and location is changed.
Assignment consultation time slots for week 9 are now open for bookings.
All resources for Week 8 are now available. This include Lecture slides, Lab specification (Lab 5), homework questions and sample questions.
Consultations for the mid-session exam are open for booking. Please email me ( ) your znumber and the ID of the consultation that you want to attend (find ID from the first column in the table below). The email subject must be "Mid-session exam consultation booking". During the consultation you can see your answer sheet and the correct answers.
Update: IDs 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are full and no longer available for booking.
ID |
Day |
Date |
Time |
Location |
7 |
Tue |
11- Sep |
3 p.m. – 5 p.m. |
K 17, level 5, room 508 |
Assignment consultation time slots for week 7 are now open for bookings.
Mid-session exam mark is released.
We will arrange for consultations where you can check your answer sheet and the correct answers. Will announce timetable for consultations soon.
Please see the Mid-session statistics here .
Answers for homework questions for Week1-4 are now available under the Homework Questions link. Homework questions for Week 5 are also released.
The mid-session exam will be held on 29th August (Wednesday, Week 6) during regular lecture hours (12-1pm). The seating arrangement and further details are available under the Mid-Session Exam link here . You MUST go to the correct room.
All students (including WEB stream students) MUST attend the exam.
Good luck !!
We will run a number of programming and technical consultations for the assignment. Please check the assignment consultation time slot, under assignment section, to find out more about times and locations. Please also note that you must book a consultation. You can only attend if your request is confirmed.
The specification for the Assignment is now available (under Course Work > Assignment).
The deadline is 11:59pm Friday, 19th October 2018 (Week 12). There is also an early bird deadline of 11.59pm Friday, 12th October 2018 (Week 11).
Details of extra consultations for programming languages will be made available soon.
We have released the solutions for Lab exercise 1 as well as the specifications for your next Lab exercise 3 (submission + demonstration). Deadline for submission of the report for Lab exercise 3 is midnight Friday 17th August 2018. Demonstrations are to be done in your respective lab time slots.
Based on the opinion poll, the submission deadline for all subsequent lab reports (starting from Lab2) are changed to midnight Friday of each week when that lab is scheduled. Also note that the demonstration tasks (if applicable) are still scheduled on your respective lab time slots.
All students (no matter you are enrolled in 3331 or 9331) must use 3331 instruction to submit their lab. Thus, even if you are a 9331 student you must use "give cs3331 Lab1 Lab1.tar" or in Webcms submit for COMP3331.
If you have a disability support letter and require special consideration, please email your letter to me ASAP.
Lab 1 spec is released. You need to submit by mid-night in the same day of your lab. Make sure you receive confirmation that your submission was correct. Plus, make sure your tar file is not corrupted, in that case you will get "0" mark for your lab. If you need to contact your tutor, you can find their email from the "Timetable" page here .
Welcome to COMP3331/9331.
Please go through the course outline before our first lecture on Tuesday, 24th July 12-14 in CLB 7.
Labs will commence in Week 2 (i.e. 30th July onwards).