
  • Final exam marks are released.

    Posted by Nadeem Ahmed 6 years ago.

    Marks for the final exam are now available. You can access them via WebCMS3. Some upward scaling has been applied. The final exam average was 26.9 (after scaling).

    I wish you the best in your future endeavours.

  • Final Exam Tomorrow.

    Posted by Nadeem Ahmed 6 years ago.

    A reminder that the final exam will be held tomorrow Saturday, 9th February 2019 starting at 1400 Hrs at CLB7 .

    A template of the final exam paper is available here . Please answer the two sections on different answer booklets .

    Make sure you are fully rested and sleep well tonight. Don't skip lunch before the exam. Stay calm and collected. If a question appears to stump you, simply move forward and complete the rest of the exam. Return to it later. The questions are NOT ordered according to the level of difficulty.

    Good luck !!

  • Mid-session exam marks

    Posted by Ali Dorri 6 years ago, last modified 6 years ago.

    Mid-session exam mark is released.

    You can see the statistics here .

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