
  • Provisional Marks Released

    Posted by Salil Kanhere 5 years ago.

    Provisional marks for the course are available. You will find the following fields visible:

    Sessional (out of 60) : This is the sum of your marks for the mid-term exam, assignment and labs (best of 5). Note that, any bonus marks that you may have received for the assignment have been accounted for.

    FinalMarks (out of 40) : Scaled marks for the final exam.

    Total (out of 100) : Sum of the above and your final mark in this course.

    A reminder that to pass this course, your FinalMarks >=16 and Total >= 50 .

    Final exam scripts can be viewed on Monday, 16th December from 2-5pm in Room 508, Level 5, K17 . However, you MUST email the course admin, Nadeem Ahmed ( ) with your zID. This will ensure that your exam script is available for viewing during the consultation.

    Congratulations and a shout out to the following students:


    Xuan Yi 97

    Oscar Cowdery Lack 96

    Michael Gribben 96

    Mitchell Johnston 96

    Matthew Chen 95


    Jude Lim 96

    Morten Schou 96

    Horace Pang 94

    Rui Li 93

    Kelvin Trinh 93

  • Good luck for the final exam

    Posted by Salil Kanhere 5 years ago.

    Good luck everyone. Not meaning to be Captain Obvious but some advice:

    • Get a good night's sleep
    • Have breakfast
    • Leave early to account for Sydney transport horrors
    • Bring a water bottle
    • Remember to get your student card, a pen and your calculator
    • Go to the correct room
    • Don't panic if a question stumps you, move on and come back to it later
    • Remember to answer the two sections in different answer booklets

    May the force be with you all !!

  • Exam Consults + Final Exam Skeleton + Feedback

    Posted by Salil Kanhere 5 years ago.

    Exam Consults: Monday, 2nd Dec 3-4 pm & Tuesday, 3rd Dec 9:30 am - 10:30 am, both in Room 612, K17

    A skeleton of the final exam is available on the final exam page.

    Thanks for providing feedback. The response rate for 3331 and 93331 is at 34% and 47% currently. We could use with more participants. The surveys close tomorrow.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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