
  • Happy exam tomorrow (Friday 8 May)

    Posted by Mahbub Hassan 5 years ago.

    As explained earlier, from 7am tomorrow (8 May Sydney Time), you will find the links to your exam context documents and on-line quiz links from the Final Exam menu item in WebCMS. All other rules about the exam is already there for you to read carefully if you have not done that yet. I'm also assuming that you've taken the MOCK exam to familiarise yourself with the system.

    You should be all set now.

    I just wanted to wish you a safe and happy exam experience tomorrow.

    Mahbub - Your Lecturer

  • Recording of Zoom Session on Final Exam Q&A now available

    Posted by Mahbub Hassan 5 years ago, last modified 5 years ago.

    We just had the zoom session and recording is now available under the Final Exam menu item and also from the following link:

  • Zoom session time for Final Exam Q&A

    Posted by Mahbub Hassan 5 years ago.

    The poll is about to close and I can see 84 students requested a Zoom session, with 68 preferring 2pm Tuesday slot.

    So, I have set up the following Zoom session:

    Time: Apr 28, 2020 02:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
    Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:<wbr>96563615788

    See you on Zoom on Tuesday. Please come with your questions handy. The session will run for 30 minutes to a maximum of 40 minutes.

    I'll ty to record the session for those who may not be able to attend. Privacy notice attached below.

    Stay Safe

    Mahbub - Your Lecturer

    This conference may be recorded for security, educational, quality and coaching purposes. Please contact the conference organiser if you have concerns about this or would like more information about your rights under privacy legislation.
    Information on UNSW's privacy policy is available at<wbr>compliance/privacyhome.html
    Australian Toll number: Dial: +61 (0) 2 8015 2088

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There is nothing due!


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