
  • Supplementary Exam

    Posted by Salil Kanhere 4 years ago.

    The Supplementary exam will be held on Tuesday 12th January from 12 noon. Students approved to sit the exam have been emailed specific details.

  • Final Exam Marks Released

    Posted by Salil Kanhere 4 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.

    The final exam marks are available in Moodle. You can check your response and the correct answers for all questions in Moodle: Part 1 and Part 2 .

    553 students attempted the exam. Some statistics: Max mark possible: 40 , Max mark achieved: 39.88 , Min mark achieved: 2 , Average: 29.2 , Standard Deviation: 4.9 , 75% percentile: 32.88 , 50% percentile (median): 29.41 , 25% percentile: 26.54

    Here is the histogram of marks.

    Overall, the performance has been fantastic. Well done everyone .

    A shout out to the following students on their excellent performance on the final:

    Sophia Lin and Gary Bai: 39.88 (you both rock !!)

    Kenvin Yu: 39

    Timothy Brunette: 38

    Victor Liu: 37.88

    In light of this performance, I don't expect any scaling to be necessary. We are yet to enter the marks into our backend system and compute your final mark for the course. However, this should be a straightforward addition of the following fields: LabTotal, MidExam, Assign and FinalExam. We will have the final course mark ready by Friday.

    Do remember that to pass the course, you must have secured at least 40% (14 marks or more) on the final exam . However, it is evident from the above statistics that the hurdle is not an issue for most students.

    If you have any final comments or feedback, feel free to add them to this anonymous form .

    I wish you all a wonderful summer break and best wishes for the future. Do stop by and say hello in person if you are on campus in 2021. Stay safe and may the force be with you, always !!

  • Good luck for the final exam

    Posted by Salil Kanhere 4 years ago.

    Good luck everyone. Not meaning to be Captain Obvious but some advice:

    • Moodle Exam Links: Part 1 (2pm - 3:05pm, Sydney time), Part 2 (3:10pm - 4:15pm, Sydney time)
    • Zoom Links (only if you have questions or technical issues): Meeting 1 (password: 613574), Meeting 2 (password: 203331)
    • Get a good night's sleep
    • Have some food prior to the start of the exam
    • Keep a water bottle handy
    • Find a quiet and comfortable room where you are unlikely to be interrupted for the duration of the exam
    • Make sure your computer is charged and connect it to a power outlet
    • If you are on a shared network then make sure others using the network will not engage in heavy usage
    • Download all lecture notes and homework questions to your computer to avoid potential bottlenecks with the WebCMS server
    • Don't panic if a question stumps you, move on and come back to it later
    • Remember to answer all questions in both parts (the # of questions in each part are stated on the front page).

    May the force be with you all !!

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