
  • Supplementary Exam

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Thursday 07 January 2021, 05:52:31 PM.

    The Supplementary exam will be held on Tuesday 12th January from 12 noon. Students approved to sit the exam have been emailed specific details.

  • Final Exam Marks Released

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Tuesday 08 December 2020, 05:01:58 PM, last modified Tuesday 08 December 2020, 05:23:38 PM.

    The final exam marks are available in Moodle. You can check your response and the correct answers for all questions in Moodle: Part 1 and Part 2 .

    553 students attempted the exam. Some statistics: Max mark possible: 40 , Max mark achieved: 39.88 , Min mark achieved: 2 , Average: 29.2 , Standard Deviation: 4.9 , 75% percentile: 32.88 , 50% percentile (median): 29.41 , 25% percentile: 26.54

    Here is the histogram of marks.

    Overall, the performance has been fantastic. Well done everyone .

    A shout out to the following students on their excellent performance on the final:

    Sophia Lin and Gary Bai: 39.88 (you both rock !!)

    Kenvin Yu: 39

    Timothy Brunette: 38

    Victor Liu: 37.88

    In light of this performance, I don't expect any scaling to be necessary. We are yet to enter the marks into our backend system and compute your final mark for the course. However, this should be a straightforward addition of the following fields: LabTotal, MidExam, Assign and FinalExam. We will have the final course mark ready by Friday.

    Do remember that to pass the course, you must have secured at least 40% (14 marks or more) on the final exam . However, it is evident from the above statistics that the hurdle is not an issue for most students.

    If you have any final comments or feedback, feel free to add them to this anonymous form .

    I wish you all a wonderful summer break and best wishes for the future. Do stop by and say hello in person if you are on campus in 2021. Stay safe and may the force be with you, always !!

  • Good luck for the final exam

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Thursday 03 December 2020, 06:12:39 PM.

    Good luck everyone. Not meaning to be Captain Obvious but some advice:

    • Moodle Exam Links: Part 1 (2pm - 3:05pm, Sydney time), Part 2 (3:10pm - 4:15pm, Sydney time)
    • Zoom Links (only if you have questions or technical issues): Meeting 1 (password: 613574), Meeting 2 (password: 203331)
    • Get a good night's sleep
    • Have some food prior to the start of the exam
    • Keep a water bottle handy
    • Find a quiet and comfortable room where you are unlikely to be interrupted for the duration of the exam
    • Make sure your computer is charged and connect it to a power outlet
    • If you are on a shared network then make sure others using the network will not engage in heavy usage
    • Download all lecture notes and homework questions to your computer to avoid potential bottlenecks with the WebCMS server
    • Don't panic if a question stumps you, move on and come back to it later
    • Remember to answer all questions in both parts (the # of questions in each part are stated on the front page).

    May the force be with you all !!

  • Important Final Exam Tip: Download content on your local machine

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Wednesday 02 December 2020, 05:13:45 PM.

    I was told that earlier this week, the WebCMS server was slow for a sustained duration because many students were trying to access content simultaneously (possibly for an exam). COMP3331/9331 has over 570 students enrolled. I do not manage the WebCMS server so I cannot comment on the peak load of the server.

    Thus, I recommend that you download all reference content that you may need for the final exam to your local machine. In particular, the lecture notes and the weekly homework Q&A would be good candidates.

    Do remember to download the current versions if you have already done so in the past. Some minor edits may have been incorporated.

  • Assignment Marks Released

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Tuesday 01 December 2020, 12:37:13 PM, last modified Tuesday 01 December 2020, 01:35:07 PM.

    The marks for your assignment have been released. If marks were deducted then feedback is provided.

    If you are not satisfied with the mark then DO NOT PANIC and DO NOT immediately send me an email. Your assignments were marked by your tutors. You can find their name on the Timetable page. You may cc our course administrator (Ayda) in your communication if you wish. I have requested the tutors to respond to any concerns raised by you and reach an amicable resolution while still ensuring fairness. If you believe you are not happy with this resolution, you can write to me.

    Our plagiarism detection system has flagged 27 submissions to have a high overlap with other submissions. I find this very disappointing. We have withheld marks for these submissions. The students have been emailed regarding further actions which includes a meeting with me later today. A final decision on penalties will be made soon and marks should be visible by tomorrow.

  • Final Exam Reminder and Details

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Monday 30 November 2020, 08:52:38 PM.

    A reminder that the Final Exam will be held on Friday, 4th December from 2pm to 4:15pm .

    The exam will be held online in Moodle and is made up of two parts: Part 1 (2pm - 3:05 pm, Sydney time) and Part 2 (3:10 pm - 4:15 pm, Sydney time). There is a 5 minute break between. You cannot start the second part of the exam before the noted time. You will not be able to return to the first part once you move to the second part. All unsaved attempts will be automatically saved when the time expires. I will remove the password protection on the exams closer to the exam time.

    If you have questions or technical issues, you can join one of the following Zoom Meetings and contact me or one of the tutors: Meeting 1 (password: 008844), Meeting 2 (password: 203331). There is NO requirement to join these meetings.

    There is extensive information about the final exam on the specific exam page including information on the examinable content, exclusions, preparation guide, etc. A practice exam is also available on the exam page in the same format (2 parts, each running for 65 minutes), which everyone is STRONGLY encouraged to attempt under exam-like conditions.

    ELS students have been emailed about their specific arrangements.

    I will run an exam consult ( Microsoft Teams ) on Wednesday, 2nd December from 4pm to 5:30pm . You are welcome to join and ask me any questions that you may have. When you join you

    All the best and may the force be with you !!

  • Lab Marks + myExperience Feedback + Exam Reminder

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Wednesday 25 November 2020, 05:24:28 PM.

    A few announcements:

    • Marks and feedback (if marks are deducted) for all labs are now available. You will also notice a "LabTotal" field is visible. This is computing by adding your 5 best lab marks and scaling the total to be out of 20 marks. This mark will constitute the lab component (worth 20%) of your final mark for the course. If you have any questions on the lab marking, please contact your tutor directly. The name of the tutor responsible for your lab is available on the Labs page.
    • I understand that you are all busy with exam preparations. However, we would very much appreciate if you could complete the myExperience surveys for this course. We have reached a 30% response rate. Thanks to everyone who did their bit. However, I am sure we can do better. The survey closes on Thursday, 26th Nov , so please complete it as soon as possible.
    • Assignment marking is on-going. We hope to have marks ready by middle of next week.
    • A reminder that the final exam will be held on Friday, 4th December from 2:00pm to 4:15pm . Details are on the final exam page . A practice exam is available in Moodle and linked from the exam page. Answers to all homework questions are available to help you prepare for the exam.

  • Final Lecture + Final Exam Details

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Friday 20 November 2020, 01:20:56 PM, last modified Friday 20 November 2020, 01:22:15 PM.

    • The assignment deadline has now passed. Well done everyone !! We will accept late submissions subject to the penalties mentioned in the specification.
    • Today is our final lecture . I will wrap up the remainder of the content on network security, recap what we have learnt in the course and discuss about the final exam (content coverage, logistics, type of questions, how to prepare, etc.). Come and say good bye.
    • The final exam will be held on Friday, 4th December from 2pm to 4:15 pm (AEST) . It will be an online Moodle quiz in two parts. Part 1 will run from 2pm to 3:05pm. There will be a 5 minute break. Part 2 will run from 3:10pm to 4:15pm . Further details about the final exam including a link to a practice exam (in two parts) are available on the final exam page . Please make sure that you read all information on the page carefully.
    • Please complete the myExperience surveys . The response late is rather low. I would appreciate a few minutes of your time.

  • Assignment Deadline Approaching (noon, Friday 20th November)

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Wednesday 18 November 2020, 09:28:01 AM.

    This is a reminder that the assignment deadline is about 2 days away - noon, Friday, 20th November .

    Some important considerations:

    • Submissions will be marked in the VLAB environment and through command line execution. It is thus imperative that you thoroughly test your code in VLAB before you submit. If we cannot execute your code then we cannot award you any marks. We appreciate that you might write your code on your personal machine and use an IDE. However, we are unable to test it in that environment. Please pay attention to this point to avoid any angst when marks are released.
    • Make sure you test your code thoroughly to ensure consistent correct operations.
    • We are primarily interested in testing the "normal" execution of client/server interactions in both configurations. We will test a few obvious error cases. However, it is not our goal to focus on a variety of edge cases.
    • Make sure that your client and server programs print meaningful messages at the terminal. You are NOT required to follow the exact text shown in the sample interactions. You may choose your own.
    • I have uploaded two sample binary files of different sizes to the assignment page. You may wish to use these for testing the functionality of UPD and DWN commands. We will use similar files (different sizes) in our tests.
    • If you have created additional files (beyond the base server.* and client.*) then feel free to group them under two sub-directories ( server and client ) in your archive. This will be helpful for us while marking.

    Good luck !!

  • Week 10: Final Week of Lectures, Assignment Deadline on Friday, Tutorials replace Labs

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Monday 16 November 2020, 05:49:00 PM.

    A few important announcements for this week:

    • This is our final week of lectures . On Tuesday we will wrap up our short discussion on Wireless Networks and dive into the basics of Network Security. On Friday we will wrap up the leftover content on Network Security and I will discuss about the final exam. Come and say good bye !!
    • Lab 6 is due by 11am Tuesday, 17th November . There will be a tutorial replacing the lab (in your usual Zoom/Teams meeting) this week. This will serve as useful practice for the final exam. Please look through the questions beforehand and try to solve them by yourself. All questions on the tutorial are from past exams. So effectively, it is a sample exam.
    • Please complete the myExperience surveys . The response rate so far is rather poor. We would appreciate your feedback.
    • The final exam will be held on Friday, 4th December from 2pm to 4:15 Sydney time online (Moodle) . Later this week I will make available several resources for the final exam including a practice exam. Stay tuned for further details.
    • The assignment is due by noon on Friday, 20th November . This is a hard deadline. Assignment consults are running this week so seek help if you need it. A couple of additional points:
      • I have uploaded two sample binary files of different sizes to the assignment page. You may wish to use these for testing the functionality of UPD and DWN commands. We will use similar files (different sizes) in our tests.
      • If you have created additional files (beyond the base server.* and client.*) then feel free to group them under two sub-directories ( server and client ) in your archive. This will be helpful for us while marking.
    • I know this is a busy week for everyone but make sure to not overwhelm yourself. Good luck with everything.

  • WebCMS Maintenance Today (Saturday, 14th November) from 5-6pm

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Saturday 14 November 2020, 10:58:45 AM.

    I am told that WebCMS3 will be down for maintenance today (Saturday, 14th Nov) from 5-6pm Sydney time. If you require access to specific resources during this time, then please download them locally. Apologies for any inconvenience.

  • Week 9: Link Layer + Lab 6 + Assignment deadline approaching + myExperience feedback

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Monday 09 November 2020, 12:28:10 PM.

    A number of announcements:

    • In the lectures this week, we will focus on the data link layer . A number of homework questions are available. You are encouraged to work through them.
    • Lab 5 is due by 11am, Tuesday, 10th November . Lab 6 held this week is the last lab for the term. A reminder that we will pick your 5 best lab scores (out of 6). Lab 4 marks should be available in the next couple of days (are available for most already).
    • The assignment deadline ( noon, Friday, 20th November ) is approaching soon. Attend the assignment consultations if you need help.
    • IMPORTANT : We appreciate that many of you prefer to write code on your personal machine and in your preferred IDE (e.g. Eclipse). However, your assignment will be marked in the VLAB environment and through command line execution. It is thus imperative that you thoroughly test your code in VLAB before you submit. If we cannot execute your code then we cannot award you any marks . Please pay attention to this point to avoid any angst when marks are released.
    • The final exam for the course will be held on Friday, 4th December in the afternoon . Further information will be revealed next week. Mark that afternoon in your calendar.
    • The myExperience surveys are open. Please provide feedback so that we can improve the course for future offerings.

  • Updated Assignment Consultation Schedule for Weeks 9 and 10

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Sunday 08 November 2020, 10:14:44 PM.

    The assignment consultation schedule has been adjusted so that they are spread out across the remaining two weeks. Please check the revised schedule on the assignment page ( here ).

  • Mid-Term Exam Clarification: Part 1 Questions 7-10

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Tuesday 03 November 2020, 08:36:58 PM.

    Before you contact us about these questions please double check the marks awarded for them even if Moodle may indicate that your answer is wrong.

    There are various ways to write up the required expressions. It was impossible for me to configure all possible combinations for automarking. I configured a few typical combinations for this. Next, I manually examined all answers deemed incorrect by automarking and awarded full marks for those that were correct (and partial marks if incorrect depending on the extent of the error). If you marks were updated manually, Moodle will show your answer to be incorrect (an X mark instead of a check mark). So please check the actual mark awarded for these questions before contacting us.

  • Mid-term Exam Marks + Seminar on Research Degrees

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Tuesday 03 November 2020, 02:25:00 PM, last modified Tuesday 03 November 2020, 02:53:42 PM.

    The mid-term exam marks are now available. You can check your response and the correct answers for all questions in Moodle: Part 1 and Part 2 . The final total is also available through WebCMS. We have been as generous as we can in awarding partial marks.

    Want to find out how you fared compared to other students? Check out the class statistics available here .

    The Faculty of Engineering has organised a webinar on research degrees (MPhil, PhD) in engineering on Wednesday 4th November from 1-2pm . Interested students should register here .

  • Week 8: Network Data/Control Plane + Lab 5 + Assignment Consultations

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Monday 02 November 2020, 11:21:22 AM, last modified Monday 02 November 2020, 11:34:53 AM.

    A few announcements this week:

    • Mid-term Exam marking is almost done. We will release marks and solutions tomorrow (Tuesday, 3rd November) afternoon. Expect an announcement on this tomorrow.
    • In the lectures this week we will wrap up our discussion on the network data plane and move on to the control plane where we will focus on routing algorithms.
    • A number of practice questions have been posted under the Homework Questions page. These cover TCP congestion control and the network data/control plane. Do make sure you work through them.
    • Lab 4 is due by 11am, Tuesday, 4th November .
    • Lab 5 is out and will include exercises that use the ns-2 simulator where you will investigate TCP congestion control.
    • The assignment is due by noon, Friday, 20th November. If you need help, then you should attend the assignment specific consults. The timetable is on the assignment page.
    • I know the next few weeks till the end of the term are going to be busy for everyone. Do make sure that you take care of yourself. Do reach out to us if we can help in any way. There is also counselling support offered by the university if you require it.
    • You are welcome to provide anonymous feedback about the course through the following link .

  • Assignment consultations commence this week

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Wednesday 28 October 2020, 09:44:05 AM.

    Just in case some of you missed this due to being busy with exam preparations, assignment specific consults will commence this week and will run every week (Week 7 to Week 10). There are distinct slots for providing support in C, Java and Python. A timetable with links is posted at the bottom of the assignment page. The purpose of this session is to provide general guidance and help. Tutors are not expected to debug your code. Get in there early (this week for example) as the sessions get very busy closer to the deadline.

  • Mid-Term Exam TODAY (27th October)

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Tuesday 27 October 2020, 09:01:00 AM.

    The WebCMS3 server was down overnight for a few hours due to some technical issues. My apologies but do note that the management of this server is outside my purview. To compensate for any potential inconvenience that this may have caused anyone, I have added 5 minutes extra to each part of the exam. So Part 1 will run from 11:10 to 11:50 and Part 2 will run from 11:50 to 12:30 . Timings for ELS students have also been adjusted accordingly.

    Here are the links for the exams: Part1 and Part 2

    Here are links to the Zoom meetings if you need to ask us any questions or reach out: Zoom Meeting 1 (password: 008844) and Zoom Meeting 2 (password: 203331).

    Good luck everyone !!

  • Week 7: Mid-Term Exam (Tuesday, 27th Oct) + Lab 4 + Assignment Consults + Getting Started with the Network Layer

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Monday 26 October 2020, 10:31:03 AM.

    I hope all of you enjoyed the bit of down time this past week and have used it well to prepare for the exam and get started with the assignment. Here are the key announcements for this week:

    1) The Mid-term Exam will be held on Tuesday, 27th October . The exam will be held online in Moodle and is made up of two parts: Part 1 (11:10 am - 11:45 am, Sydney time) and Part 2 (11:45 am -12:20 pm, Sydney time). You cannot start the second part of the exam before the noted time. You will not be able to return to the first part once you move to the second part. All unsaved attempts will be automatically saved when the time expires. If you have questions or technical issues, you can join one of the following Zoom Meetings and contact me or one of the tutors: Meeting 1 (password: 008844), Meeting 2 (password: 203331). There is NO requirement to join these meetings. There is extensive information about the mid-term exam on the specific exam page including a video where I go over the examinable content, exclusions, preparation guide, etc. A practice exam is also available, which everyone is STRONGLY encouraged to attempt under exam-like conditions. May the force be with you !!

    2) In the lab this week (Lab 4), you will work through a couple of exercises on TCP. You will also familarise yourself with a network simulator called ns2, which will be used in subsequent labs. Lab 4 reports are due by 11:00am Tuesday, 3rd November.

    3) Special assignment specific consultations will run every week from Week 7 to Week 10. There are dedicated sessions for C, Java and Python. You are encouraged to avail of these sessions if you need help. Note that, the purpose of this session is to provide general help and NOT for tutors to debug your code. The schedule is on the assignment page.

    4) There will be no lecture on Tuesday. We will commence our journey into the network layer on Friday. Lecture slides are available.

  • Mid-Term Exam: Update

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Tuesday 20 October 2020, 08:32:05 PM, last modified Tuesday 20 October 2020, 08:32:55 PM.

    In response to concerns about privacy, we have dropped the requirement for you to join the Zoom meeting and turn on your camera.

    The meeting links will remain active and I and some tutors will be online. If anyone has any questions about the exam content and/or technical problems, then you can join one of the meetings and seek help.

    I have updated the mid-term examination information page accordingly. The other guidelines and instructions remain unchanged.

    The video that I made about the exam was recorded yesterday so do remember to ignore the part where I mention about turning on your camera.

  • Webcam for Mid-term Exam

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Tuesday 20 October 2020, 04:01:29 PM.

    Some students have indicated that they do not have a webcam. In this case, please connect to the Zoom meeting through your mobile phone and position the phone camera such that we can see your face.

  • Planned WebCMS Outage on Wednesday 21st October

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Tuesday 20 October 2020, 01:38:30 PM.

    WebCMS will be down for upgrades on Wednesday 21st October from 6pm - 9pm (Sydney time). Youtube and Echo360 videos should be accessible during this time. If you need access to any of the WebCMS hosted content during this time, then we suggest that you download those resources locally to your computer.

    Apologies for the interruption but this is beyond our control.

  • Week 6: No Labs and Lectures and further details about the Mid-term Exam

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Monday 19 October 2020, 06:19:53 PM.

    A reminder that there are no labs or lectures this week . Students are encouraged to use this week to prepare for the mid-term exam and work on the assignment.

    I have created a video where I go over the content included on the exam, exclusions, type of questions, preparation advice, etc. You can check it out on the Mid-term Exam page.

    A reminder that the mid-term exam will be held during regular lecture hours (11am - 1pm) on Tuesday, 27th October (Week 7) . Details are on the Mid-term Exam page. I have organised a pre-exam consultation session on Friday, 23rd October from 16:00 - 17:30 . Meeting link is here .

    Solutions for all homework questions are now available.

    Marks for lab 3 will be released in the next couple of days.

    I wish you all a productive week.

  • Mid-Term Exam Details and Poll on Choice of Programming Language for the Assignment

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Wednesday 14 October 2020, 02:54:28 PM.

    The mid-term exam will be held during regular lecture hours (11:00am - 1:00pm ) on Tuesday, 27th October (Week 7).

    Check the information available on the Mid-term Exam page (includes information about content covered, exact timing, online meeting information, etc).

    A sample online Moodle exam is available (with solutions). You are strongly encouraged to attempt the exam under conditions that will be consistent to when you sit for the real exam. This will familiarise you with the exam environment and the type of questions that you may expect.

    We would strongly urge everyone to provide input on their choice of programming language for the assignment in this poll . This will help us to appropriately schedule programming help sessions in Weeks 7-10, as we plan to run distinct C, Java and Python help sessions.

    You are welcome to provide anonymous feedback about the course through the following link .

    A reminder that there are no lectures or labs in Week 6 . You are all urged to make use of this week to prepare for the mid-term exam and get cracking on the assignment. Good luck and may the force be with you !!

    See you in the lecture on Friday.

  • Week 5: Exploring TCP and Congestion Control, Tutorial, Mid-semester Exam Preparations

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Monday 12 October 2020, 03:26:08 PM, last modified Monday 12 October 2020, 03:38:10 PM.

    Announcements for Week 5:

    • Lab 3 is due by 11am Tuesday, 13th October .
    • There will be a tutorial replacing the lab (in your usual Zoom/Teams meeting) this week. It is not marked. This will serve as useful practice for the upcoming exam. Please look through the questions beforehand and try to solve them by yourself. You can ask your tutor to prioritise questions which were particularly difficult for you.
    • In the lectures we will explore TCP in detail and and go over the principles of congestion control. Slides are available.
    • There will be no lectures or labs in Week 6.
    • The mid-term exam will be held during regular lecture hours (11:00 - 13:00) on Tuesday, 27th October (Week 7). Further information will be made available towards the end of this week. The exam makes up 20% of your final mark.
    • We will aim to release Lab 2 marks and solutions in the next couple of days.
    • I have created a video about the programming assignment. It is linked to the assignment page. The video is NOT a replacement for the detailed specification. The deadline for choosing the non-CSE option is 5pm, Friday, 16th October . Only students who are not enrolled in a CSE program are eligible. Further details are in the spec. Requests after the deadline will not be entertained.
    • You are welcome to provide anonymous feedback about the course through the following link .

    Have a productive week and see you all in the lectures.

  • Week 4: Getting Busy (Transport Layer, Lab on DNS + TCP Socket Programming, Assignment Released)

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Monday 05 October 2020, 08:42:23 PM.

    A number of announcements this week. Read carefully:

    • Lab 2 deadline is 11am, Tuesday, 6th October.
    • Lab 3 is released and will require you to get into the nitty-gritty of DNS and TCP socket programming.
    • In the lectures this week we will first wrap up some of the left over content on the Application Layer and begin our journey into the Transport Layer.
    • The assignment specification is available. It is long but for a reason. Read it carefully. Read it again (and again). The deadline is noon, Friday, 20th November (Week 10) . Assignment specific consultations will be arranged in Weeks 7-10. Details will follow. In the meantime, any questions should be posted as comments on the specifications page on WebCMS.
    • The mid-term exam which is worth 20% of the course mark, will be held on Tuesday, 27th October (Week 7) during regular lecture hours. The exam will be held online through Moodle. Further information and a sample online exam will be available middle of next week.
    • The solutions to Lab 1 and your marks for the same will be released in the next day or two . Please cross-check the solutions to find out why marks were deducted (if any). If you have questions about marking, ask your tutor. The easiest way to access your marks is through the WebCMS interface. Click on marks icon located besides your name at the bottom of the left frame.
    • Be aware that daylight savings time is now in effect in Sydney (particularly if you are located overseas).

    Have a great week and see you in lectures.

  • Week 3: Wrapping up Applications and Lab2

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Monday 28 September 2020, 02:01:31 PM.

    The first lab report is due by 11am, Tuesday, 29th September . Submission instructions are in the lab spec. Submissions received via email will not be entertained.

    In the lectures, we will wrap up our coverage of the application layer, which includes e-mail, DNS, P2P and CDN.

    In Lab 2 , we will explore HTTP and learn to use a new tool called Wireshark, a protocol analyzer. We strongly encourage you to install Wireshark on your machine (instead of running it through VLAB). It is free and works on all operating systems. Download it here . You will also get your first exposure to socket programming. Sample working client/server programs in C/Java/Python are available under the Week 1 lecture content.

    Very few students appear to be attempting the homework questions . We strongly encourage everyone to work through these questions on your own. We will post answers for the collated questions (e.g. Introduction Questions). However, the questions marked with " Students to Discuss Solutions " are exclusively left for you to work on. We are happy to provide feedback on your attempts, but will not provide ready solutions. This should serve as excellent practice for the exams.

    Have a great week and see you in lectures !!

  • Week 2: Labs begin and so does our journey into networked applications

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Monday 21 September 2020, 10:45:26 AM.

    This week in lectures, we will wrap up our introduction to computer networks (protocol layers) and dive into networked applications (principles, Web/HTTP, Email). A reminder that lecture videos are accessible through Teams, Youtube and Echo360. A Slack group is available for you to chat during the lectures. Do not use it to ask me questions. Questions during the lectures should be posted to the Teams Q&A. The forum on our website is the primary means to seek help and discuss about course content.

    Labs will commence this week. Almost all labs are at full capacity. You MUST attend the lab class in which they have enrolled. The link to each lab class is posted on the Labs page . Recordings will be available. You will notice that there are two parallel lab classes, e.g., T14A and T14B. Make sure you attend the correct class as per your timetable. You are strongly urged to setup access to the VLAB environment prior to the lab . It is not an efficient use of your tutor's time if they have to explain this process to you during the lab. We encourage the use of TigerVNC. Check the instructions here . The first lab exercise is now available. You are strongly urged to read the Tools of the Trade introductory document available on the labs page prior to the lab. The first lab report is due by 11 am, Tuesday 29th September. Submission instructions are in the lab specification.

    A number of problem solving questions are accessible on the Homework Questions page. You are strongly encouraged to work through these questions on your own. We will post answers for the collated questions (e.g. Introduction Questions). However, the questions marked with " Students to Discuss Solutions " are exclusively left for you to work on. We are happy to provide feedback on your attempts, but will not provide ready solutions. Working through these questions will provide good practice for the exams.

    An early head's up that the mid-term exam will be held on Tuesday, 27th October (Week 7) during regular class hours (11am - 1pm). Mark this time in your calendar. The exam will be held online. Further information will be made available later.

    Have a great week and see you in class on Tuesday & Friday !!

  • Some updates

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Thursday 17 September 2020, 11:44:56 AM.

    I have created a playlist in Youtube and Echo360 of the lecture recordings. Links are on the Lectures page. Echo360 will allow you to download the video if you wish to do so. Note that, there may be a slight delay (up to 24 hours) for the video files to be posted to these playlists. The video should be available immediately after the lecture concludes through the Teams links.

    In response to several requests during the lecture, I have setup a Slack workspace for those attending the live lecture to chat. The link to join is here . This is not meant to be a distraction but as a means for those attending the lecture to discuss about the topics being covered in the lecture. Please be respectful and adhere to the CSE code of conduct. Questions for me MUST be posted to the Teams Q&A. The workspace should ONLY be used during the live lectures. It is NOT meant to replace the online discussion forum. Please continue to post questions to the forum. We will closely monitoring the workspace and if we observe that the above conditions are not adhered, then we will have to close it down.

    Labs commence in Week 2. Links to individual lab meetings (and recording repositories) are posted on the Labs page. Most labs are at full capacity. Please attend the lab class in which you are enrolled. Students are strongly encouraged to test the VLAB environment prior to your lab. Information on accessing VLAB is on the course webpage. We recommend using TigerVNC.

    A self-study lab which outlines the various networking tools that will be used in the labs is available for you to review. We encourage you to have a crack at these tools. This lab is NOT marked. The lab exercise for next week will be released after Friday's lecture.

    See you in the lecture on Friday.

  • Welcome to Week 1

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Monday 14 September 2020, 10:38:53 AM.

    Welcome. Term 3 begins today.

    Our first lecture is tomorrow (Tue) @ 11am. Link to the meeting and lecture notes are available here .

    Labs begin in Week 2. Further information will be available soon.

    We have set up 3 polls to learn about where you are and seek feedback on your preference for the course forum platform. We would appreciate your inputs by Thursday.

    Please post any questions that you may have on the course forum, in particular on the page for the relevant content.

    If you have a personal query and must email us then please use .

  • Welcome to COMP3331/9331 Term 3, 2020

    Posted by Salil Kanhere Friday 11 September 2020, 10:36:22 AM.

    Welcome to COMP3331/9331, Term 3. The course webpage is at

    Here is a short welcome video .

    Given the current challenging circumstances, this course will be delivered fully online . This includes all components including lectures, labs and exams. Please read the course outline carefully .

    Our first lecture will be held on Tuesday, 15th September from 11:00 - 13:00 . We will use Microsoft Teams Live Events. You can join through the Teams app or via a web browser. The links for each lecture (which are distinct) are posted on the Lectures page . A recording of the lecture will be viewable through the same link. A quick link to the first lecture is here . See you there.

    All content for Week 1 including lecture notes and homework questions is available on the web page.

    Labs will commence in Week 2 . Links for the labs will be posted next week.

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