
  • Final Mark and Statistics

    Posted by Salil Kanhere 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    We have ported the final exam marks from Inspera and computed your final course mark. You should find these through WebCMS. A reminder that you need to score at least 16 marks on the final to pass the course.

    Final exam statistics and shout outs to students who did exceedingly well in the course are available in the slides here .

    Well done everyone.

    If you have any final comments or feedback, feel free to add them to this anonymous form .

  • Final Exam Marks Released in Inspera

    Posted by Salil Kanhere 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    The final exam marks and your answers are now visible in Inspera. You can access it through the exam link on the Moodle course page. Answers and explanations are available as general feedback for each question. Marker comments have been added for manually marked questions when marks were deducted and for the issue noted below. You will find these in the "Student Report".

    We will port the exam marks to WebCMS and compute your final mark over the weekend. We will not be scaling the final exam marks, so you can compute your final mark by simply adding the following four components: FinalExam from Inspera (out of 40) + MidtermExam (out of 20) + Assignment (out of 20) + LabTotal (out of 20). To pass this course your final mark should be at least 50 AND your final exam mark should be at least 16 . If Inspera shows you a Pass or Fail grade, please ignore it.

    Important Note (please read carefully):

    I have manually checked all of your answers for the Distance Vector question where there was a typo in one version of the question for the poisoned reverse part of the question and to account for the late announcement from the exams unit. I have overridden the automarking and awarded additional marks where I saw a logical reason to do so to account for this issue. So please check the marks awarded even if Inspera may report your answer to be partially incorrect. A comment has also been added to this effect.

    I will announce the honour roll of students who did well in the course and class statistics on Monday. Well done everyone. I have enjoyed teaching this course and we hope you found it useful. I wish you the best for the remainder of your studies and your next adventure if you are graduating. If you are on campus in 2022, stop by and say hi.

  • Good luck for the final exam

    Posted by Salil Kanhere 3 years ago.

    Good luck everyone. I don't mean to be Captain Obvious but some advice:

    • The exam link will be visible on the course Moodle page - HERE . You should navigate to the bottom of the page and find the Final Exam activity. The exam runs from 13:45 to 16:00 Sydney time tomorrow ( Monday, 6th December )
    • If you have technical issues with Inspera, reach out to the Exams support team. Their information is noted on the Moodle page. If you have questions about the exam, you can join THIS Zoom link and ask your question in the chat. DO NOT TURN ON YOUR MICROPHONE.
    • Get a good night's sleep.
    • Have some food prior to the start of the exam.
    • Keep a water bottle handy.
    • Find a quiet and comfortable room where you are unlikely to be interrupted for the duration of the exam.
    • Make sure your computer is charged and connect it to a power outlet.
    • If you are on a shared network then make sure others using the network will not engage in heavy usage.
    • Download all lecture notes and homework questions/answers to your computer to avoid potential bottlenecks with the WebCMS server.
    • Don't panic if a question stumps you, move on and come back to it later.
    • Remember to answer all questions.
    • Remember to breathe !!

    May the force be with you all !!

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