
  • Final Exam and Final Course Marks Released

    Posted by Salil Kanhere 2 years ago.

    The final exam marks and your answers are now visible in Inspera ( LINK ).

    Within Inspera, on the main page, you can click on "View without downloading" to see the questions and your answers. The correct answers are visible at the bottom of each page under "Feedback".

    On the main Inspera page, you will also see a candidate report ("View Report"). This would include answers to all questions as general feedback (same as in the above view) and specific feedback from your maker for the manually marked questions if marks were deducted. At the bottom of the report, you can see a detailed view of the marks received for each question and the total mark.

    Questions 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18 and 19 were auto-marked. There are no partial marks for these questions. Questions 2, 4, 5, 8, 13, 15 and 16 were manually marked. Some partial marks were awarded where justified.

    We have also ported the final exam marks from Inspera and computed your final course mark. You should find these through WebCMS. To pass the course, your total mark (FinalTotal) should be greater than or equal to 50, AND your final exam mark (finalexam) must be greater than or equal to 16 (this hurdle is not an issue for the vast majority of students).

    Want to find out how you fared compared to other students? Check out the class statistics available here . I have included names of students who performed well on the final exam and overall in the course. Congratulations !!

    Well done, everyone.

    If you have any final comments or feedback, feel free to add them to this anonymous form .

  • Provisional Assignment marks released

    Posted by Salil Kanhere 2 years ago.

    The provisional assignment marks are released. Feedback is provided if marks are deducted. We are in the process of running plagiarism checks and may contact students for an explanation if the plagiarism detection tools flag their submissions.

    There is no need to panic if you believe the marks are not as expected. Do not email Salil about your marks. Instead, you should reach out to your tutors. Your marks can be updated if there are valid reasons. Information about your tutors is available on the Timetable page.

  • Good luck for the final exam

    Posted by Salil Kanhere 2 years ago, last modified 2 years ago.

    Good luck, everyone. I don't mean to be Captain Obvious, but some advice:

    • The Inspera exam link is HERE . Make sure to select the exam for COMP3331/9331. The exam runs from 09:45 am to 12:00 noon tomorrow (Friday, 28th April)
    • If you encounter technical issues, contact the Exam Support Team at +61 2 8936 7007 or email . If you have questions or need clarification on the exam questions, please join the Zoom link HERE (Meeting ID: 86912068391, Password: 818703) and type your questions in the chat. I will be available to answer questions. DO NOT turn on your microphone and camera.
    • Get a good night's sleep.
    • Have some food before the start of the exam.
    • Keep a water bottle handy.
    • Find a quiet and comfortable room where you are unlikely to be interrupted for the duration of the exam.
    • Make sure your computer is charged and connect it to a power outlet.
    • If you are on a shared network, make sure others using the network will not engage in heavy usage.
    • Download all lecture notes and homework questions/answers to your computer to avoid potential bottlenecks with the WebCMS server.
    • Don't panic if you cannot answer a question, move on and return to it later.
    • Remember to answer all questions.
    • Remember to breathe !!
    • May the Force be with you all !!

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