
  • Marks for Labs and Assignment

    Posted by Wei Song about a year ago.

    Dear Students,

    We have released all the marks of the five labs, and assignment marks with feedback. Please check all of them, if you have any issues with the mark please get in touch with your tutor ASAP.

  • Good luck for the Final Exam today

    Posted by Nadeem Ahmed about a year ago.

    This is a reminder that the final exam for COMP3331/9331 24T0 is scheduled today starting at 1.45 pm online and off-campus on the Inspera platform (

    You should select a quiet spot with a stable Internet connection to attempt the exam.

    The exam is being managed by the UNSW Exam team, in case of any issues please contact the Exam support team directly at +61 2 90582453 or email .

    There is no test code for the final exam, all enrolled students can access the exam on the Inspera platform once it is open.

    If you are registered with ELS, the exam support team will set additional time for you. In case of any issue, please contact them.

    I wish you good luck with your final exam.

  • Week 5 updates

    Posted by Nadeem Ahmed about a year ago.

    This is the last teaching week of this summer course. It has been a marathon and thank you for being part of this journey. Please note the following:

    1. The assignment is due this Friday 2nd Feb 2024. Lab 5 is also due on Friday. We encourage you to submit on time so that you have two days to prepare for the final exam that is scheduled on Monday 5th Feb 2024. The final exam information is also available on WebCMS.

    2. Hopefully, we will be able to finish the course content by Thursday. For the Friday lecture time slot (2 pm - 4 pm), a consultation session with the LiC has been scheduled. This will be held in CSE K17 Consultation Room 1 ground floor.

    3. The midterm results of a few students are withheld. If you cannot see your midterm results, please respond to the individual email that I have sent. Get this resolved within this week.

    4. A sample final paper has been released on WebCMS. The answers will be released on Friday morning. Try solving the questions as a practice as most of the questions are from a past final exam.

    5. Please spare some time to complete the myExperience feedback. The participation rate is very low. The feedback closes on 2nd Feb 2024.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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