
  • Week 6: Preparing for the Mid-term Exam

    Posted by Mahbub Hassan Friday 28 June 2024, 05:06:06 PM.

    1. We have completed Week 5.

    2. Week 6 is No-teaching week: no lecture and no lab next week. You'll rather prepare for the Mid-term exam. We will continue to provide support through Ed forum during Week 6 as you prepare for the Mid-term exam.

    3. A practice Mid-term exam is now available on Inspera for you to attempt (see the details in the previous notice/announcement). This is a copy of a real past exam paper. It will be open for you until the morning of the 8th of July, but you can attempt it only once. So take it when you feel prepared.

    4. The real Mid-term exam will open in Inspera in Week 7 at 2:05pm on Monday (08 July) and end after 75 minutes. There will be no grace period, so you will have to start at 2:05pm to avoid loss of any exam time. As this will take place during your regular lecture hours, there will be no lectures on Monday. The contents of Week 7, which are now available in WebCMS, will be covered during Thursday's lecture. More information about the real Mid-term exam along with the link to it will be announced later next week.

    Have a good weekend and prepare well for the Mid-term exam!

  • A Practice exam for Mid Term 24T2 is now available

    Posted by Isura Bamunusinghe Arachchige Thursday 27 June 2024, 10:36:27 AM, last modified Thursday 27 June 2024, 10:38:38 AM.

    Dear Students,

    A practice exam is available here: Moodle link . The exam uses the Inspera platform , which will be used for both exams in this course.

    The practice exam will be open from 9:00 AM, 28-06-2024 , to 9:00 AM, 08-07-2024 . You can only attempt the exam once, so activate it ONLY when you are ready to take it. Answers are available as feedback in Inspera after completing the exam. The questions that require manual marking won't be marked. You can examine the answers provided and compare them with your own. Everyone is strongly urged to attempt the exam. It will familiarize you with the Inspera assessment environment so there are no surprises on exam day. A PDF file with the exam questions and answers will be posted on the mid-term exam page in webcms.

  • Lab 2 marks are released

    Posted by Isura Bamunusinghe Arachchige Tuesday 25 June 2024, 09:04:43 AM.

    Dear Students

    Marks for Lab 2 are now available.

    Your tutor in your enrolled lab is the the person who marked your submission.

    Please use following link to check your marks.

    Use your zid/password.

    Make sure to check the mark and feedback. If you lost marks there is a comment on where you lost marks. If the tutor has asked to contact him/her, do it ASAP.

    If you have problem with the marks or feedback, directly contact your tutor. If it's not resolved in reasonable amount of time, please contact course email.

  • Week-5: Let's continue transport layer with TCP

    Posted by Mahbub Hassan Friday 21 June 2024, 12:44:31 PM.

    You have completed 4 weeks of the term. Congratulations!

    In week-4, we spent a fair bit of time learning the required constructs and concepts to build a reliable communication system over an unreliable network. Next week we shall study in detail how TCP implements them in practice. We shall also learn a number of other useful functions executed by TCP such as congestion control, without which the Internet would collapse. The lecture slides for Week-5 are released now for your review.

    In Week-5, you will be solving problems during your lab hours instead of executing practical lab exercises. The problem solving session will be a preparation opportunity for your Mid-term Exam, which will take place in Week 7. Later in Week-5, we shall also try to release a mock-test on the Inspera platform for you to have a trial of your Mid-term Exam.

    The census date for the term is 23 June. While we do not encourage it, this is the last day that you can drop the course without incurring fees.

    Have a great weekend but don't forget to work hard!

    Hope to see you next week Monday in the lecture.

  • Lab 1 marks are released

    Posted by Isura Bamunusinghe Arachchige Monday 17 June 2024, 09:16:03 PM.

    Dear Studetns,

    Marks for Lab 1 are available in the webcms.

    Your tutor in your enrolled lab will be the person who mark your submission.

    Please use following link to check your marks.

    Use your zid/password.

    Make sure to check the mark and feedback. If you lost marks there is a comment on where you lost marks. If the tutor has asked to contact the tutor, do it ASAP.

    If you have problem with the marks or feedback, directly contact your tutor. If it's not resolved, please contact course email.

  • Week-4: Let's begin our journey into the Transport Layer

    Posted by Mahbub Hassan Saturday 15 June 2024, 03:08:22 PM.

    We have completed the Application Layer in Week-3. Congratulations!

    In Week-4, we shall begin our journey into the Transport Layer of the Internet. The slides for Week-4 are now available for your review.

    Here is a poll on the pace of the lectures . Let me know your thoughts so I can make adjustments as necessary.

    Labs have started in full swing. Note that even you miss attending the actual lab session, you can still submit your lab report by the report submission deadline without any penalty using the on-line submission system. That is, there is no marks allocated for the attendance per se, but the marks are based on the submitted report.

    Enjoy your weekend but don't forget to work hard as always.

    See you Monday next week in the lecture.

  • Week-3: Continuing with the Application Layer

    Posted by Mahbub Hassan Friday 07 June 2024, 03:04:55 PM.

    Congratulations! You have completed TWO weeks!

    Note that Monday (10 June) is a Public Holiday, so there will be no lectures on Monday in Week 3. Instead, we shall cover the remaining contents of Application Layer (DNS, P2P, CDN, Socket) during our Thursday lecture. Lecture slides are now available under Week-3 in WebCMS for your review.

    Don't forget to submit your Lab-1 report by its due date, 10am Tuesday 11 June, to avoid late submission penalty.

    Very few students appear to be attempting the homework questions. We strongly encourage everyone to work through these questions on their own. We will post answers for the collated questions (e.g. Introduction Questions). However, the questions marked with "Students to Discuss Solutions" are exclusively left for you to work on. Please post your solutions on the Ed forum. We are happy to provide feedback on your attempts. This should serve as good practice for the exams.

    An anonymous feedback form is available here in case you wish to leave us some comments. We value your feedback and will try our best to act on your input.

    Have a nice long weekend (but also work hard!).

  • Revised Lab Schedule for Public Holiday on Monday, June 10

    Posted by Isura Bamunusinghe Arachchige Thursday 06 June 2024, 06:03:46 PM.

    Due to the public holiday on Monday, June 10th, the affected labs will be replaced with the following online sessions.

    Please attend these sessions as scheduled and they will also be recorded. Note that this change applies only to Monday, June 10th, of Week 3. Regular classes will resume from Week 4 onwards.

  • Week-2: What's coming up?

    Posted by Mahbub Hassan Friday 31 May 2024, 05:01:10 PM.

    Congratulations! You have now completed the first week! Under Week-1 lecture, I have now released an additional slide set with answers to the in-lecture quizzes we discussed during Week-1 lecture.

    In Week 2 lectures, we will complete our introduction to computer networks, i.e., discuss the layers of the Internet (cake:-), and dive into the top layer (Application Layer) covering networked applications (principles, Web/HTTP, and Email). Week-2 lecture slides are now released for review.

    Labs will commence in Week 2. Please attend the lab class you have enrolled in, as many classes are at full capacity. Don't forget to submit the lab report by its due date, as they will be assessed.

    Several problem-solving questions are accessible on the Homework Questions page. You are strongly encouraged to work through these questions on your own. These are not assessed. We will post answers for the collated questions (e.g. Introduction Questions). However, the questions marked " Students to Discuss Solutions " are exclusively left for you to work on. We are happy to provide feedback on your attempts but will not provide ready solutions. Working through these questions will provide good practice for the exams. Please discuss them on the Ed forum.

    See you Monday 2pm next week in the lecture.

    Have a great weekend (but also work hard!).

  • Programming Assignment

    Posted by Isura Bamunusinghe Arachchige Monday 27 May 2024, 11:44:39 AM, last modified Monday 27 May 2024, 06:11:26 PM.

    We have released the programming assignment, which is due at 11:59 AM (noon) on Friday, July 26, 2024 (Week 9) . Please download the specifications from the Assignment tab in WebCMS and read them carefully.

    In the assignment, we'll be using socket programming to develop a simplified DNS implementation. We'll be discussing these topics in the Week 2 and Week 3 lectures, and exploring them further in the first half of the term through Lab 2, Lab 3, and Tutorial 1. In the second half of the term, more assignment specific support will be provided, for each of the 3 available programming languages, through the programming tutorial on week 7 and regular assignment consultations ( shedule to be announced).

  • Welcome to COMP3331/9331 Term 2 2024

    Posted by Mahbub Hassan Wednesday 22 May 2024, 02:07:19 PM.

    Welcome to COMP3331/9331, Term 2, 2024 . We will be using this WebCMS page for the course delivery. Please read the course outline carefully.

    The course is being offered in a hybrid mode. All lectures will be in person. Face-to-face lectures will be recorded and available via the echo360 platform in Moodle: Link to Monday's Lectures and Link to Thursday's Lectures .

    Most labs are in-person, supplemented with a few online labs. The consultations will be hybrid. The exams, both the Midterm and Final, will use the Inspera exam platform.

    Please check your enrolment and attend the appropriate lab class. If you have enrolment issues, please get in touch with the Nucleus Student Hub. The course staff do not have access to the enrolment system.

    Our first lecture will be held on Monday , 27th May, from 14:00 - 16:00 in Ainsworth G03 .

    Labs will commence in Week 2 , even if your timetable indicates they start in Week 1. Details are on the Labs page.

    We will be using Ed Forum for the course forum. Please join via this link. The forum on WebCMS is disabled. Please post any course-related questions on the Ed forum. If you must email us, use instead of personal emails.

    We would appreciate it if you could complete the following poll: Your Internet Speed .

    See you on Monday the 27th of May in Ainsworth G03 at 2pm.

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