
  • Week 1: Introduction to Computer Networks

    Posted by Wen Hu Monday 09 September 2024, 08:51:12 AM.

    We hope you had a wonderful term break!

    • Lectures will resume this afternoon from 14:00 to 16:00 in the Science Theatre.
    • Lecture slides and related materials are available here .

    We look forward to meeting you this afternoon.

  • Welcome to COMP3331/9331 Term 3 2024

    Posted by Wen Hu Tuesday 03 September 2024, 08:28:29 AM.

    Welcome to COMP3331/9331, Term 3 2024 . We will be using this WebCMS page for the course delivery. Please read the course outline carefully.

    The course is being offered in a hybrid mode. All lectures will be in person. Face-to-face lectures will be recorded and available via the echo360 platform in Moodle (Moodle login is required before accessing the direct link).

    All labs and the consultations in-person. The exams, both the Midterm and Final, will use the Inspera exam platform. However, The mid-exam is non-invigilated (take home), open book and open notes, while the final-exam is invigilated (on campus) and close book.

    Please check your enrolment and attend the appropriate lab class. If you have enrolment issues, please get in touch with the Nucleus Student Hub. The course staff do not have access to the enrolment system.

    Our first lecture will be held on Monday , 9th Sep, from 14:00 - 16:00 in Science Theatre.

    Labs will commence in Week 2 , even if your timetable indicates they start in Week 1. Details are on the Labs page.

    We will be using Ed Forum for the course forum. Please join via this link. The forum on WebCMS is disabled. Please post any course-related questions on the Ed forum. If you must email us, use instead of personal emails.

    We would appreciate it if you could complete the following poll: Your Internet Speed .

    See you on Monday the 9th of Sep in Science Theatre at 2pm.

Upcoming Due Dates

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