
  • Week 3: Continuing our explorations of the Application Layer + Lab 2 (HTTP)

    Posted by Salil Kanhere 5 days ago.

    The Lab 1 report is due by 10 a.m. on Tuesday, March 4th . Submission instructions are in the lab spec. Submissions received via email will NOT be entertained.

    We will wrap up last week's leftover content in the lectures and study DNS, Peer-to-peer applications, and socket programming. The slides are available for review.

    In Lab 2, we will explore HTTP and learn to use a new tool called Wireshark, a protocol analyzer. Wireshark is installed on all lab computers and in VLAB. You can also install Wireshark on your machine. It is free and works on all operating systems. Download it here . You will also get your first exposure to socket programming. Sample working client/server programs in C/Java/Python are available here .

    The assignment specification will be released next week.

    Very few students appear to be attempting the homework questions. We strongly encourage everyone to work through these questions on their own. We will post answers to the collated questions (e.g., Introduction Questions). However, the questions marked with " Students to Discuss Solutions " are exclusively left for you to work on. Please post your solutions on the Ed forum. We are happy to provide feedback on your attempts. This should serve as excellent practice for the exams.

    You can join the Ed Discussion forum via the following link - .

    An anonymous feedback form is available here if you wish to leave us some comments. We will try our best to respond to your input.

    The mid-term exam will be held on Tuesday, 1st April (Week 7), during regular class hours (14:00 - 16:00) . Mark this time in your calendar. It will be held online (remote) using the Inspera platform. A sample exam will be available for you to try, and details will follow.

    Have a good weekend, and see you in the lectures next week.

  • Week 2: Labs Commencing, Wrapping up the Introductory Content and Diving into Applications

    Posted by Salil Kanhere 13 days ago.

    In the Week 2 lectures, we will complete our introduction to computer networks (protocol layering) and dive into networked applications (principles, Web/HTTP, Email). Slides are available for review.

    Labs will commence in Week 2. Please attend the lab class you have enrolled in, as many classes are at full capacity . Note that we have a mix of in-person and online labs. Recordings will be available for online labs and accessible through the Labs page. You will notice a few parallel lab classes, e.g., M12A and M12B. Make sure you attend the correct class as per your UNSW timetable. If attending an online lab, you are strongly urged to set up access to the VLAB environment before the lab . It is not an efficient use of your tutor's time if they have to explain this process to you during the lab. We encourage the use of TigerVNC. Check the instructions here . The first lab exercise is now available. You are strongly urged to read the Tools of the Trade introductory lab before attempting the first exercise. The first lab report is due by 10 am Tuesday, 4th March (Week 3) . Submission instructions are in the lab specification.

    Several problem-solving questions are accessible on the Homework Questions page. You are strongly encouraged to work through these questions on your own. These are not assessed. We will post answers to the collated questions (e.g., Introduction Questions). However, the questions marked " Students to Discuss Solutions " are exclusively left for you to work on. We are happy to provide feedback on your attempts but will not provide ready solutions. Working through these questions will provide good practice for the exams. Please discuss them on the Ed forum. You can join the forum via the following link: .

    My consultations are scheduled for Tuesday from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. The course outline page has a link to the Zoom meeting. Alternatelty, you can stop by my office.

    This is an early heads-up that the mid-term exam will be held on Tuesday, 1st April (Week 7) , during regular lecture hours (14:00 - 16:00) . Mark this time in your calendar. The exam will be held online using the Inspera platform; details will follow.

    Have a great weekend, and I look forward to seeing you during the lectures on Tuesday & Wednesday and online on the forum!

  • Week 1: Ready, Set, Go.

    Posted by Salil Kanhere 17 days ago.

    Our first lecture will be held on Tuesday, 18th February, from 14:00 - 16:00 in Physics Theatre.

    All content for Week 1 is now available on the Lectures page.

    I am told live streaming is enabled (to be tested tomorrow). However, I won't be able to answer any questions posted to the stream chat. Lecture recordings will be available on Echo360.

    Make sure to read through the course outline before the lecture.

    There are NO labs in Week 1, even if your calendar in myUNSW may say so. Labs will commence in Week 2. A self-study lab that introduces you to the various networking tools used in the course is available. Please make sure you go through it this week.

    We will use Ed Discussions for the course forum. The default WebCMS forum has been disabled. Please join the forum by clicking on this link: .

    Please post any course-related questions on the Ed forum. If you must email us, use instead of our personal emails.

    For enrollment issues, contact the Student Nucleus Hub . Course staff do not have access to the enrollment system.

    We would appreciate it if you could complete the following poll: Your Internet speed .

    See you in the lecture tomorrow !!

Upcoming Due Dates


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