Dear students,
The marks for Assignment 2 are available on the WebCMS3 course website.
You can access the COMP3411/9814 20T0 course:
If you have any questions about the mark, please send an email with your zID.
Kind regards,
Dear students,
You may receive an email with assessment results LE.
Please ignore this email. I will inform you when the results for Assignment 2 and the final exam are available.
Kind regards,
I have published Additional exercises for conversion into CNF in Week 5 tutorials.
The final written exam will be held on Saturday 8 th February, 2020
1:45 pm
CSE, K17
Please, be outside of the CSE Building , near the entrance by 1:30pm.
It is a closed-book exam and only UNSW approved calculator is allowed.
Make sure you read the exam questions carefully.
Good luck in the exam !
The marks for Assignment 1 are available on the WebCMS3 course website.
I will post the notice when the results for the second assignment will be available to check in the course website.
The second Assignment, Assignment 2 is published in Course Works > Assignments.
Please follow the submission instructions.
The due date is Wednesday 05 February, 2020.
Good luck!
CodeQ - is working now.
The solutions for the Family Relations and First Steps in Prolog are published in the Tutorial section. The rest of the solutions will be also published in the corresponding weeks.
CodeQ is currently not available. I have sent an email to the author and I am waiting for a reply. You can use SWI Prolog instead.
The final exam will be on Saturday, the 8th February from 1.45 am to 4 pm. The exam will be held in CSE, I will send you more detailed information later.
The first Assignment is available in Course Work > Assignments. Assignment 1 is also available here .
The COMP9814 students should use the same give command as COMP3411. The submission instructions are updated.
The submission is now open and you can submit your assignment
The due date is Monday, 27 January, 2020.
Only this week, Week 3, the labs will start one hour later.
All labs for Week 3 will run from Start time: 16:00 to End Time: 18:00 .
The first Assignment is published in Course Work > Assignments.
Assignment 1
is also available
The Prolog lectures and the Lab material can be found in the Course Work section and also in Open Learning.
I will send the start date when the submission will be available.
The due date is Monday, 27 January, 2020.
Good luck!
I have published in Week 2 section in WebCMS3 " Informed Search - Examples “ for the Romania example with step by step solutions.
Just to remind you that in this course we are using all three platforms: WebCMS3, Moodle and Open Learning. You should have access to WebCMS3 and Moodle and you have received an email invitation to access the course – Class of 20TO in Open Learning. Please access Open Learning via Moodle by by clicking on “
Launch to OpenLearning
As it was announced in the first lectures, the main course webpage is on WebCMS3.
I hope you have found by now, how to use Open learning and how to navigate through material in WebCMS3 and in Open Learning.