
  • ​Late enrolment information

    Posted by Anna Trofimova 4 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.

    I want to inform those enrolling or enrolled in the AI course after its start date about the difficulties that you might face.

    The AI course in the summer term has twice the intensity since it is only 5 weeks; which means that if you are starting late by 1 week, you are missing 20% of the course. Even you are enrolled in the course, it might take you at least 1 day to gain access to the course material. The recordings of the lectures and programming consultations are available on the course website (OpenLearning), but it can be extremely hard and time consuming to catch up. Unfortunately, you can’t get participation points for the first week if you missed your tutorial. The first assignment will be released in week 2 and requires a good understanding of the course material and python programming skills.

    Please think carefully about whether you want to stay enrolled or drop the course by the census date.

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