
  • Project 2 submission

    Posted by Claude Sammut 4 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.

    Project 2 report is due 1 minute to midnight Sunday 29 November 2020 .

    You can submit via WebCMS or by the terminal command give cs3431 Project_2 zID_proj2.pdf.

    Please make sure you include your zID in the file name as above and also remember to follow the template and out your zID, name and group name in your report.

    In addition, one and only one team member should email to a zip or tar file containing all your source code.

    The through report should probably be at least 5 pages, but no more than 10. As in project 1, make sure you are clear what your individual contribution is. It should be fairly detailed and it may be distributed across sections depending on what you contributed to the background, implementation and evaluation.

  • Project 1 marks finally!

    Posted by Claude Sammut 4 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.

    The project 1 marks have been entered into SMS finally.

    The marks should now be visible in WebCMS.

  • MyExperience

    Posted by Claude Sammut 4 years ago.

    Just reminder about MyExperience. I'd especially like some feedback on the group work. We've obviously had to work under unusually circumstances this year but I'd like to know how you think the groups have worked with our limited lab access. I hope we won't have to work under these conditions next time, but your comments would be very helpful for the future.

Upcoming Due Dates

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