
  • Report and code submission

    Posted by Claude Sammut 2 years ago.

    Final reports and code submission are due Sunday 11:59pm.

    These instructions apply to ALL projects.

    Individual Report Submission

    Every student must submit a PDF file with your individual report through WebCMS or with the following give command:

    give cs3431 Report2 <your file>.pdf

    Group Code Submission

    Each group must submit their source code. Only one member of your group should submit the ROS source directory in compressed TAR or ZIP format (maximum size 100 MB). Include a README file that explaini how to run your code.

    Only submit the src directory. DO NOT submit the whole workspace.

    Submit your code with the give command:

    give cs3431 Code src.tar.gz


    give cs3431 Code src.tgz


    give cs3431 Code

  • Viewing marks

    Posted by Claude Sammut 2 years ago.

    You can view your COMP3431/9434 marks by logging in to sturec:

  • This week's labs.

    Posted by Claude Sammut 2 years ago.

    As last week, please use the labs to keep working on the second stage of the project. Remember that demonstrations are due in your week 10 lab session and the final report is due at the end of week 11.

    There are not lectures. You can use that time to work on the project. If you plan to come into the lab please let me know.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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