
  • Submitting your second report and code

    Posted by Claude Sammut 4 months ago, last modified 4 months ago.

    Every student is required to individually submit a report of no more than 10 pages that must include the following sections:

    1. Background . What did you read/research to learn how to solve this problem (cite references).
    2. Methodology . How your group solved the task.
    3. Your individual contributio n. This is the most important section and will be given the most weight.
    4. An evaluation of the performance of your software, including an explanation of the performance that was observed during the live demonstration.
    5. The limitations of your software, specifically any shortcoming or short cuts that were taken which may prevent your software solving some variations of the task, for example handling different maze configurations, placement of markers, sensitivity of variations in colours, etc.
    6. Reference section. This is where is include references from section 1. Use proper scientific report format (i.e. authors, year, title, where published). If the reference is a website, include the URL and date accessed.

    If you have any additional material, like videos, photos or meeting notes, please include links.

    Make sure to include your zID and group, as well as your name, at the beginning of the report.


    Every student must submit a PDF file with their individual report through WebCMS or with the following command:

    give cs3431 Report2 <zID>-report2.pdf 

    Note that the report file name should also contain your zID, e.g. 555555-report2.pdf

    Each group will also submit their source code. Only one member of your group should submit the ROS source directory in compressed TAR or ZIP format, with a README file included (maximum size 100 MB). The README should contain instructions on how to run your code.

    Only submit the src directory, not the whole workspace.

    The give submission specification is as follows:

    give cs3431 Code src.[tar.gz | tgz | zip]

    You can also submit via this WebCMS page .

  • RoboCup@Home Information Session

    Posted by Claude Sammut 4 months ago, last modified 4 months ago.

    For anyone interested in joining the RoboCup@Home Project, there will be an online information session about what it is to be involved. The meeting will be on Teams 9am Monday 18 November.

    Please connect using the link below:

    Join the meeting

    Meeting ID: 421 170 004 178

    Passcode: S4g27V

  • Additional laboratory time in Week 10

    Posted by Tatjana Zrimec 4 months ago.

    There will be additional 1 hour laboratory time in Week 10 for Tuesday and Wednesday labs.

    Both labs will start at 3pm. The demo will be in the lab time from 4pm to 7pm.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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