Every student is required to individually submit a report of no more than 10 pages that must include the following sections:
If you have any additional material, like videos, photos or meeting notes, please include links.
Make sure to include your zID and group, as well as your name, at the beginning of the report.
Every student must submit a PDF file with their individual report through WebCMS or with the following command:
give cs3431 Report2 <zID>-report2.pdf
Note that the report file name should also contain your zID, e.g. 555555-report2.pdf
Each group will also submit their source code. Only one member of your group should submit the ROS source directory in compressed TAR or ZIP format, with a README file included (maximum size 100 MB). The README should contain instructions on how to run your code.
Only submit the src directory, not the whole workspace.
The give submission specification is as follows:
give cs3431 Code src.[tar.gz | tgz | zip]
You can also submit via this WebCMS page .
For anyone interested in joining the RoboCup@Home Project, there will be an online information session about what it is to be involved. The meeting will be on Teams 9am Monday 18 November.
Please connect using the link below:
Meeting ID: 421 170 004 178
Passcode: S4g27V
There will be additional 1 hour laboratory time in Week 10 for Tuesday and Wednesday labs.
Both labs will start at 3pm. The demo will be in the lab time from 4pm to 7pm.
As last week, there will be no lecture at 3pm on Monday, but the robotics lab (J17-510) will be available for testing, 3-5pm during the usual lecture time,
As mentioned last week, RoboWorks, a Sydney-based robotics company, is looking for beta testers for their MiROS software. This is a graphical front end to ROS 2 that is intended to make it easier to create new ROS 2 packages.
If you are interested in learning more, go here for a presentation on MiROS . It includes links to download a beta version of the software, along with instructions on how to install and run it.
RoboWorks was started by a UNSW graduate and most of the staff are from UNSW, so they would be happy for you to contact them and you can take a survey to give them feedback on MiROS.
We won't have any lectures in weeks 9 and 10. Instead, we will open the robotics lab (J17-510) so that you have extra time for the project. This is optional, so please email cs3431@cse.uns.edu.au if you plan to use that time. As usual, it will be Monday 3-5pm.
Note that the carpet in this lab is different from the design studio. You will be able to test the vision and localisation, but the motor control may need different parameters to behave correctly, depending on how you have implemented the wall follower.
If you have not got accurate marker detection and placement working, keep working on that.
If you do have good makers:
start_x, start_y, start_heading marker1_x, marker1_y, marker1_type ... marker4_x, marker4_y, marker4typ
The report submission is now enabled.
You can submit via WebCMS (go to the
tab for assignment 1) or you can use the give command in VLAB:
give cs3431 Report1 <your file>.pdf
The deadline is Friday, 25.10.24 23:59:59, for the teams who completed this week.
For the teams that had connection issues and could not finish, we will allow more time.
There will be a lecture on Monday of week 7. I will explain what the next stage assignment is about. It will extend what you've done in the first assignment. You will save the map that your wall follower creates. You will then write a new node that will load in the map and also a list of landmarks. You will use the ROS 2 Navigation package to plan a route from one landmark to the next.
There will be additional laboratory time in Week 6 on Wednesday only, 16.10.24 from 14:00 to 16:30 and from 16:30 to 19:00.
Emails were sent to each group with more details. Please reply as soon as possible.
There will be two additional lab hours for each lab in Week 5:
Please read carefully the specification for Assignment 1.
There will be two additional lab hours for each lab this week, Week 4:
We will inform you for the additional hours in Week 5.
Apologies once again for the mistakes in the VM. The new one (and I hope final one) is available for download. Please delete the old one before importing this one.
If you are using UTM on an Apple Silicon Mac, please edit the ~/.bashrc file to add the line:
source ~/colcon_ws/install/local_setup.bash
Sorry for the inconvenience, but if you've already downloaded the VM for Intel machines, can you please delete it and download an updated version? There was an error on the old version.
Welcome to Robot Software Architectures.
Please note that the labs will be in the Design Studio (J17-504), level 5 in the Ainsworth Building.
For Apple Silicon Mac users, we are updating the virtual machine and should have it up by the first lab.