
  • Supplementary Exam Date and Time

    Posted by Shuiqiao Yang Monday 09 January 2023, 09:25:43 AM.

    Note: this message is only for students who will attend the supplementary exam (i.e., your current mark is WC).

    The supplementary exam will take place on 11th Jan 2023, and the time is again from 1:30pm to 5pm .

    Again, the exam is online. I will send out the exam paper to you via email at 1:15pm.

  • Thank you for your participation in COMP4121

    Posted by Shuiqiao Yang Friday 16 December 2022, 11:34:21 AM, last modified Friday 16 December 2022, 11:41:44 AM.

    Hi Everyone,

    You should have received your final marks (except for some supplementary exam students). I hope you are happy with that.

    This email should be the last one from COMP4121 22T3. I hope that you have enjoyed this course and learned something valuable from this course.

    I want to take this chance to thank you all for choosing this course. Your participation and support throughout the trimester are precious to me. I am also thankful for your constructive feedback and comments in the MyExperience Survey. I promise I will try my best to improve myself in future teaching practices.

    I wish you all the best of luck in the future. Have a safe and happy holiday period.

    Best regards,


  • Final exam paper has been released.

    Posted by Shuiqiao Yang Tuesday 29 November 2022, 01:05:58 PM.

    Hi Everyone,

    The final exam paper has been released. Please use the following URL to access your final exam paper (refresh your browser if it is empty PDF).

    Good luck.



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