
  • Exam update (minor)

    Posted by Paul Hunter 2 years ago, last modified 2 years ago.

    Hi all,

    I have clarified the wording in Q1 (primarily to rule out a trivial edge case). This should not impact any genuine attempt on the question.

    A reminder that, while most questions give you multiple options (e.g. prove/disprove), if you believe a question to be incorrect, an argument to the contrary will be taken as a legitimate answer. As always, I am assessing your levels of understanding and ability and such a proof will still demonstrate those.

    I will continue to monitor email/ed, but may not respond in a timely manner. Please contact me if there are any other issues.


    PS Tutorial solutions are now available under "Tutorial problem sheets"

  • Final exam now available

    Posted by Paul Hunter 2 years ago.

    Hi all,

    The final exam is now available to view on the course website (under Activities). It is due at 10am (AEST) on Thursday May 4 2023 .

    Submission is a single pdf file, submitted through give (webCMS provides a web interface to the submission). You may submit as often as you like prior to the deadline - your last submission will be what is marked. I strongly suggest making a dummy submission asap to check that there are no issues with submission - if there are problems, then let me know asap.

    I will be available on ed/email for the next 2 hours to answer any questions/make clarifications about the exam paper; any significant points will be announced during this time.

    I am currently in the process of uploading the (mostly complete) tutorial solutions - these will be available for your reference shortly.


  • Week 11 Recap Lecture

    Posted by Paul Hunter 2 years ago.

    Hi all,

    I have booked Colombo ThB (usual room) for 11-1 on Friday 28 April for a recap lecture. I will be reviewing the main concepts covered since Week 6 and I will try to go through some sample problems (suggestions welcome). I have requested that the lecture be recorded if you are unable to make it, but the only way to be sure to catch the content is by attending in person.


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There is nothing due!


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