
  • Formatif results & thanks

    Posted by Paul Hunter Friday 17 May 2024, 10:36:29 AM, last modified Friday 17 May 2024, 10:37:18 AM.

    Hi all,

    This should (hopefully) be the final message from me for this course. Thank you all for seeing it through to the end, it is always pleasing when the number of exam submissions is more than 90% of the number of people that started the course. I hope that you were largely satisfied with your final results for COMP4141. Quite a few of you have shown a real aptitude for this subject, and I hope that many of you continue to explore Theoretical CS. On that note, I will be continuing my "Advanced Topics in Theoretical CS" gathering next term, so please drop me an email if you are interested in being included on the email list.

    A big shout out to Ian, Simon, Mathieu, Mark, and Isaiah (and Gerald) for all the work they've done throughout the term. For anyone still around next year, I'm always on the lookout for tutors.

    I did not realise that you are unable to see your final formatif assessments (and comments) in formatif. To rectify this, I've set up a small script here:

    which will pull your final formatif grade and any comments the assessors had. This will require you to login with your zid & zpass.

    The forum will remain open for a couple more weeks. The exam is now (effectively) public domain, so feel free to discuss questions/solutions.

    I'd like to finish with my favourite (almost) proof from the exam, this idea for Q3b (prove that L(G)⊆L(E)) (I've elaborated a little):

    • Construct an NFA, M, for L(E)ᶜ:
      • Construct an NFA, N, for L(E)
      • Convert N to a DFA D via subset construction
      • Swap the accepting and non-accepting states of D to obtain M
    • Construct a PDA, P, for L(G)
    • Construct a PDA, Q, for L(G)∩L(E)ᶜ by taking the product construction of P and M
    • Convert Q to a CFG, G'
    • Check if L(G') is empty (e.g. via a marking+backtracking algorithm)

    Quite a nice use of results from lectures without having to dip into induction...

    Thank you all again,


  • Final exam errata

    Posted by Paul Hunter Monday 29 April 2024, 12:27:57 PM.

    Hi all,

    I've just been made aware of a typo in the exam - notably Q8.

    The correct definition of the Transitive Reduction problem is:

    Input: Directed graph G = (V,E) and an integer k.

    Question: Is there a subset R ⊆ V×V with |R|≤k such that

    (v,w) ∈ R* if and only if there is a path from v to w in G.

    Here R* is the transitive closure of R

    I have updated the exam specification file. Please make sure you have the latest copy.

    This will be the last update to the exam - if there are any more issues found, then please use your best judgement and state clearly any assumptions you need to make.


  • Final exam now available

    Posted by Paul Hunter Monday 29 April 2024, 09:06:29 AM.

    Hi all,

    The final exam is now available here:

    Unless I have contacted you already, your submission is due, through webCMS/give, at 9am (Sydney time) on Tuesday April 30.

    A reminder that this should be taken under exam conditions - in particular accessing active resources (e.g. contacting other people, collaborating with students, posting questions on forums) is strictly forbidden. You may access passive resources (i.e. any material existing prior to the start of the exam) with adequate referencing - but you should use these with caution as you are being assessed on your ability, understanding, and extensibility (so you should be making every effort to demonstrate these qualities with your answers). The ed forum will be set to private messages only for the duration of the exam.

    You may make as many submissions as you like - the latest submission received before the due date will be what you will be marked on. I strongly suggest making a dummy submission asap to check if there are any issues with the submission. As long as you submit a pdf you should see a message saying your submission was ACCEPTED.

    If there are any questions/issues, please contact me asap.


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