Welcome to COMP4336/9336 Mobile Data Networking, Term 2 2020. This course will be delivered through Moodle:
[will be open to students in O-Week; you'll need your Moodle account]
The course outline [ https://webcms3.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP4336/20T2/outline ] is now available for all to read and it contains many details of the course you may want to know before enrolling. Feel free to send me an email if you still have questions.
I really look forward to 'seeing' you all in the new term (Term 2).
You can also watch my 30-sec video [ http://thebox.unsw.edu.au/video/welcome-video-4336-20t2 ] welcoming all students in Term 2.
Mahbub - Your Lecturer