
  • Consultation

    Posted by Maurice Pagnucco 5 years ago.

    I will be available for consultation from 3-4pm today at K17 Level 6. Please report to the Faculty Unit and you will be directed to the consultation room.

  • Important remarks for the final exam

    Posted by Abdallah Saffidine 5 years ago.

    Hi all,

    Morri will release the practice exam later today. It contains, 4 parts: Part A contains multiple choice questions ranging over the whole course, Part B deals with Morri's part, Part C with my section, and Part D concerns Haris' part. The final exam has the same 4-part structure as the practice exam.

    Attention. In Part A of the final exam, there are two questions on material that we did not cover in class this year (I believe the numbering is Question 13 and Question 14). These two questions talk about "Markov Process", "MDP", "HMM", and "POMDP". You do not need to answer these questions and they will no be graded (no bonus points for answering them, no malus points for not answering them.). I intended on talking about this topic in the final week of my section but instead we decided to have the invited talk by WiseTech Global. Unfortunately, by the time I realized the discrepancy, it was too late to update the exam and it has been printed as is. Sorry for the confusion.



  • Solution to Assignment 2

    Posted by Abdallah Saffidine 5 years ago.

    Hi all,

    The solutions to the second assignment are posted on the website under the Assignments tab . In the solution file, the first box (blue) indicates the template solution and the optional second box (pink) indicates some commentary or explanations that is not part of the solution.


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