
  • Lecture and tutorial details

    Posted by Nadine Marcus about a year ago.

    Hi all,

    I have had a few queries re the lectures for COMP4511 and the hybrid nature of this course.

    • Monday lectures are live FACE TO FACE ONLY (12 noon to 2pm in Ainsworth G02) with no hybrid option, but will be recorded via Echo360, and should be available later in the day. I encourage as many of you to attend in person as they will be quite interactive.
    • Wednesday lectures are ONLINE ONLY (11am to 1pm) via Blackboard Collaborate, with the link available in Moodle. For week1, I will deliver the lecture, and from week2 onwards they will focus on React Nativ and be delivered by our industry expert, Dennis Gann. To get the most out of these please attend live, so you can learn and ask questions in real time. There will be a recording in Blackboard Collaborate, available sometime after the lecture.
    • Tutorials start in week2, where your project group formation will happen. And there is an in class assessable component in every tutorial from week3 onwards, so please ensure you are available to attend your allocated tutorial EVERY week. This is a project based course and regular engagement with your tutorial groups is an important aspect of the course learning.

    Thanks A/Prof Nadine Marcus (LIC)

  • COMP4511 Course on Moodle

    Posted by Maliha Mian about a year ago, last modified about a year ago.

    Hi all,

    Please note that this course runs on Moodle and all course-related materials and announcements will be sent only on Moodle.

    You can find the site page here:

    And here is a link to the course WELCOME video as well:

    Thank you,

    Maliha Mian (Course Admin)

Upcoming Due Dates

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