
  • Return of equipment

    Posted by Oliver Diessel 7 months ago.

    Please return KV260 boards to the School Office.

    Please return SD cards to me.

    Please return all equipment by 23 August to avoid a delay in the release of your result.


  • Project submissions (reminder)

    Posted by Oliver Diessel 7 months ago.

    Would all project groups please ensure that you have posted PDFs of your project presentations to the wiki without delay?

    Project reports (PDFs) and demo videos (common video formats) should also be posted to the course wiki by Friday evening.

    Individual reports (ascii text, Word docs, or PDFs) should be emailed to me by Monday evening.

  • Return of lab kits and SD cards

    Posted by Oliver Diessel 7 months ago.

    Since these were lent out separately, would you please return SD cards to me and boards to the School Office when you have finished with them?


Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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