
  • Week 10 Project Presentations

    Posted by Oliver Diessel Monday 22 July 2024, 10:48:33 AM.

    Project presentations are expected to take 15 - 20 mins and involve all team members.

    We have been able to schedule an extra hour from 1-2 pm in both lecture theatres during Week 10 to accommodate the need for extra time to complete the 10 project presentations.

    This means project presentations will be held from 1-2 pm on Monday in M032 (after the two seminars scheduled for Week 10) and from 11-2 pm on Wednesday in the Lawrence Theatre. Please take note of these additional hours if you have other commitments.

    Could I please ask for two or three groups who wish to volunteer for presenting on Monday on a first come first served basis to get in touch with me? Thanks!

  • Late handin05 submissions

    Posted by Oliver Diessel Wednesday 17 July 2024, 03:05:59 PM.

    These have now been marked. Feedback is available via WebCMS3.

  • FIR demo - Compatibility problem - check Forum post if having problems

    Posted by Oliver Diessel Monday 15 July 2024, 04:45:41 PM.

    There is an unexpected problem with importing floating point IPs created with Vivado HLS 2020.1 into Vivado 2021.2 for implementation. The Forum post with the above title outlines a workaround that applies to the FIR demo and your projects that make use of floating point variables.

  • handin05 results and feedback available for on-time submissions

    Posted by Oliver Diessel Monday 15 July 2024, 02:14:25 PM.

    While late submissions are still being processed, the results and feedback for those submitted on-time or just after are available. Please check your overall "Handins" score to make sure we have marked all your work.

  • Week 8 seminars

    Posted by Oliver Diessel Wednesday 10 July 2024, 03:26:28 PM.

    We have 3 seminars scheduled for Week 8. We will discuss Topic E on Monday at 11am, and Topics G & H at 11am on Wednesday.

  • Project plans marked; feedback (to be) discussed

    Posted by Oliver Diessel Monday 08 July 2024, 04:12:26 PM.

    The Project Plans have been marked - please check results via WebCMS/SMS.

    I will discuss feedback with remaining teams tomorrow at 9am in the lab.

  • handin04 marked & Seminars on Monday

    Posted by Oliver Diessel Friday 05 July 2024, 05:14:29 PM.

    The marks and feedback for handin04 are now available.

    Seminar topics A & B will be presented during the lecture period on Monday. Note that in person participation is expected. Seminar topics C & D will be presented during the lecture period on Wednesday.

  • Week 3 handin marking completed

    Posted by Oliver Diessel Friday 28 June 2024, 12:07:21 PM.

    The handin for Week 3 exercises have now been marked and feedback is available for download.

  • KV260 SD memory cards pre-formatted with Petalinux

    Posted by Oliver Diessel Tuesday 18 June 2024, 09:49:40 AM, last modified Tuesday 18 June 2024, 09:50:02 AM.

    Hi all - I have been handed a pack of reformatted SD cards pre-formatted with Petalinux to distribute to those of you who have picked up a KV260 kit. Please get in touch during the Monday/Wednesday lectures to grab one.

  • KV260 Lab Kit pickup

    Posted by Oliver Diessel Monday 17 June 2024, 12:00:08 PM.

    Please fill in the form at to be able to pick up the kit from Room K17-111-D from 9 am - 3 pm Monday - Wednesday

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