
  • Second Essay marks released!

    Posted by Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson about a year ago.

    Hi everyone : )

    Your second essay marks have been released.

    The average grade is 72.24% as things stand - but there are still a few essays awaiting marking, so this might fluctuate slightly.

    Well done everyone! Please do reach out to your tutor for further comments and feedback as per usual.

    As always, thank you so much for your hard work, enthusiasm, and wise questions.

    All best,


  • Good news : )

    Posted by Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson about a year ago.

    Dear All,

    Again, thank you so much for being so awesome this term : ) It has been the best iteration of 4920 so far, and this is very largely because of all of you and the efforts that you have put in.

    On this - how would you like to help make it even more awesome?! 4920 will be running in 24T1, and there will almost certainly be tutorials available. If you are keen in taking part in the teaching side of things, then please do email me to let me know, and I shall make a note of this and send you the application details when they come (Talloc in January - stay tuned).

    Our last lecture is this coming Wednesday. Okay this is not good news at all, it is sad news, but I am looking very forward to seeing you! It will be a revision/summary/reflection lecture, and your opportunity to ask anything and everything in person. Plus we have to finish all of the snacks.

    Please please please do not forget that the myExperience surveys are still open, and both Flora and I would truly love your feedback. It does mean the world to us personally, and it is vital.

    Thanks again, take care, see you Wednesday, and good luck with your final week of lectures for 2023!! "\(^~_~^)/"

    All best,


  • Group report submission

    Posted by Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson about a year ago.

    Hi everyone!

    It is best if each member of your groups submits a copy of your report. Please make sure that you have everyone's names on them of course!

    All best,


Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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