
  • Welcome to 4920!

    Posted by Flora Salim Sunday 08 September 2024, 11:50:33 PM, last modified Monday 09 September 2024, 12:41:14 AM.


    Welcome to 4920.

    We're all looking forward to meeting you!

    To familiarise yourself, please check out our welcome video and the course outline.

    We are not using the forums on WebCMS. But the forum is on Ed. Join via this link:

    Here is a guide to using Ed

    Our lecture will be in person on Monday 12-2 at Law Theatre G04 (K-F8-G04) and on Thu 4-6 at the Science Theatre. They are not repeat lectures. Each will cover a different topic - see the course outline for more details.

    For those joining online, please go to Moodle to access Echo360 Livestream and Recordings.

    See you tomorrow.

    Flora & Seb

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!

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