
  • Essay 1 marks released today

    Posted by Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson 3 days ago.

    Good morning everyone!

    The marks for your first essays will be released at 9am this morning. Firstly and most importantly, thank you so much for all of your hard work and research!

    The marking scheme works as follows. You will receive one of three marks, 1, 2, or 3:

    1 = Non Competent (CN)
    2 = Competent (CO)
    3 = Competent with Merit (CM)

    For all any any questions that you might have with regard to your marks or essay comments (including contesting marks etc.), please contact your tutor in the first instance . Your tutor marked your essay so they are best placed to respond to you. Should you be unsatisfied with the response from your tutor, the next step is to contact the course admins, Philip Quadrio ( and Edward Norman ( Should you then be unsatisfied with the response from Philip and/or Edward, the next step is to contact me directly via email.

    There are over 800 of us involved in 4920 this term, so we have to triage these things in order for them to be manageable!

    I am looking very forward to seeing you at tomorrow's lecture.

    All best,


  • ESSAY 1 is due in less than two hours!

    Posted by Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson 12 days ago.

    Hi everyone!

    Please do not forget that your essay is due today by 5pm : )

    Well done in advance! Marking essays is actually rather fun, and your tutors are looking very forward. There is a dedicated marking channel where your tutors and the admins and I will be discussing trends and edge-cases with care.

    Thank you for all of your hard work this term!

    All best,


  • Tomorrow's lecture (Thu 6 March) will start with Q&A on essay 1 with Seb.

    Posted by Flora Salim 14 days ago.

    Hi all,

    Tomorrow we will go through part 2 of "Algorithms in real world: Bias and Fairness" -- but we will start at 11.30. The first 30 mins at 11-11.30 will be Seb taking an 'ask me anything' session regarding the first essay. We'll see you there at the Science Theatre.

    Best regards,

    Flora & Seb

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