Some of you have received an LE (= Late Entry) grade for your Thesis A. This is because your supervisor and/or accessor have not completed marking. We are chasing after these marks. My apologies for the delay. Please be assured that we are working on this.
Dear Thesis A Students,
Hope your thesis is going well.
In Week 11, you are required to submit your Thesis A report.
The word and latex templates can be found under the week 3 category.
Key facts about your report:
If you have further information to be included, please let me know. Thanks.
Dr. Jing Hsu, CSE Thesis Administrator
Please be reminded that you need to submit your Thesis A presentation slides to the Thesis Management System by 10pm this Sunday (7th April). If you cannot find a suitable time to do the presentation in week 8, you MUST still submit your slides by the due date. Otherwise, you will get the late penalty . The only exception is that if you have been granted an extension to submit your slides by the Thesis Coordinator or Thesis Admin.