
  • If you receive an LE grade, please read

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou 10 months ago.

    Some of you have received an LE (= Late Entry) grade for your Thesis A. This is because your supervisor and/or accessor have not completed marking. We are chasing after these marks. My apologies for the delay. Please be assured that we are working on this.

  • Thesis A Report submission

    Posted by Jing Hsu 11 months ago.

    Dear Thesis A Students,

    Hope your thesis is going well.

    In Week 11, you are required to submit your Thesis A report.

    The word and latex templates can be found under the week 3 category.

    Key facts about your report:

    • Worth 75% of your thesis A total result.
    • Only a PDF file is accepted.
    • Submit the report in TMS by 10pm 24th April Wednesday Week 11 (firm). If you cannot submit it by the deadline due to some valid reasons, contact me for an extension ( Supervisor approval email required ).

    If you have further information to be included, please let me know. Thanks.


    Dr. Jing Hsu, CSE Thesis Administrator

  • Reminder: Submission of your presentation slides

    Posted by Jing Hsu 11 months ago.

    Please be reminded that you need to submit your Thesis A presentation slides to the Thesis Management System by 10pm this Sunday (7th April). If you cannot find a suitable time to do the presentation in week 8, you MUST still submit your slides by the due date. Otherwise, you will get the late penalty . The only exception is that if you have been granted an extension to submit your slides by the Thesis Coordinator or Thesis Admin.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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