
  • Thesis Topic Registration

    Posted by Jing Hsu Monday 09 September 2024, 01:38:26 PM.

    Dear Thesis A students,

    By the end of Week 1, you need to register your thesis topic details and set up a thesis project (project = topic + you + supervisor + assessor).

    IMPORTANT: students without a topic by this deadline will be asked to discontinue Thesis A and try again next term.

    Before registering your topic, you need to personally contact potential supervisors and get acceptance from a supervisor, who provide the topic and nominate an assessor for your thesis.

    Then you can register the topic in Thesis Management System (TMS): .

    • The supervisor creates the topic and adds an assessor for the project if it doesn't exist in TMS.
    • You can find the topic in TMS and apply for it.
    • Your supervisor accepts you in TMS.
    • You agree to take the project in TMS.

    If a topic in TMS is not available to apply, please send me the accept email from your supervisor and the topic name or link, then I can make it available or allocate it to you.

    Best Regards,

    Dr. Jing Hsu, CSE Thesis Admin

  • Blog: Your thesis journey and the first part of your Thesis A

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou Monday 09 September 2024, 10:07:06 AM, last modified Monday 09 September 2024, 10:09:53 AM.

    As I mentioned in my talk in Week 0, I will be using a weekly blog to give you some general hints on doing your thesis. For this week's blog , I use an analogy to help you to imagine your thesis journey and I describe in general terms what you need to do for the first part of Thesis A.

  • Talk on "How to write a good thesis?" (Week 2)

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou Tuesday 03 September 2024, 12:28:10 PM, last modified Tuesday 03 September 2024, 12:29:06 PM.

    I am pleased to announce the Thesis talk "How to write a good thesis?" in Week 2. The talk will be given by Prof. Gernot Heiser who is an award winning professor from CSE and his work has been used in billions of devices worldwide.

    The talk will be at 1pm, Thur 19 Sept 2024 (Week 2). This is a hybrid seminar. We encourage you to attend in person. The physical location is Design Next Studio, Level 5, Ainsworth Building (J17).

    For online attendance, the Zoom login details are here on the Thesis A WebCMS3 website (login required)

    I look forward to seeing you in the talk. The talk will be recorded and made available.

  • Recording of "Introduction to Thesis" talk / Blog (Week 0)

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou Monday 02 September 2024, 02:56:42 PM.

    You can find the slides and recording of today's talk on "Introduction to Thesis" at Week 0 of the Week-by-week section of the course website .

    An important task to get your thesis started is to select a topic. You should visit the Thesis Management System ( ) to view the available topics and discuss with potential supervisors. We would like to see that you have a topic by Friday of Week 1 at the latest. However, it is best that you have a topic by this week so that you can start working on your thesis from Week 1.

    In the "Blog Stream" section of the course website, I gave my thoughts on topic selection and talked about some skills that you can pick up for your thesis before the term gets busy.

  • Reminder: Thesis A talk today

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou Monday 02 September 2024, 07:54:10 AM, last modified Monday 02 September 2024, 07:54:32 AM.

    A reminder about the Thesis A talk today (2 Sept 2024):

    • I will be giving an online talk on Monday 2 Sept at 1pm on "Introduction to Thesis" which tells you about the mechanics of Thesis A/B/C and to give you some general tips on how to succeed in your Thesis. The Zoom link is here (login required).The talk will be recorded and will be made available. Note that I have purposely scheduled the talk early in Week 0 so that if you haven't yet settled on the topic, you can get that going in Week 0. I look forward to seeing you online on Monday.

    Details of Thesis A are at its website on WebCMS3:

  • Welcome to Thesis A (24T3)!

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou Thursday 29 August 2024, 11:12:35 AM, last modified Thursday 29 August 2024, 11:13:08 AM.

    Welcome to Thesis A for 24T3!

    I hope you're excited to start Thesis A as it heralds, for most of you, the beginning of your last year of your degree.

    My name is Chun Tung Chou and I am the convenor for CSE Research Thesis. I am writing to tell you some important information about Thesis A.

    • Thesis A does not use Moodle. Its web site is at: . You will find the course outline, marking criteria and resources to help you to work on your Thesis A.
    • If you have not already found a supervisor, please visit the Thesis Management System (TMS) to browse through the thesis topics. You should use the TMS to nominate your thesis topic. Note that you will only be able to log onto TMS from Week 0. However, for the time being, you can browse through the topics in TMS and contact potential supervisors to learn about the projects they are offering.
    • I will be giving an online talk on Monday 2 Sept at 1pm on "Introduction to Thesis" which tells you about the mechanics of Thesis A/B/C and to give you some general tips on how to succeed in your Thesis. The Zoom link is here (login required).The talk will be recorded and will be made available. Note that I have purposely scheduled the talk early in Week 0 so that if you haven't yet settled on the topic, you can get that going in Week 0. I look forward to seeing you online on Monday.

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