
  • Thesis C report submission

    Posted by Jing Hsu Monday 31 July 2023, 09:31:38 AM.

    Dear Thesis C Students,

    In week 11, you are required to submit the Thesis C final report.

    Some sample reports under the week 11 category are provided for your reference.

    Key facts about your report:

    • Worth 90% of your Thesis C result.
    • Submit the report in TMS by 10pm 9th August Wednesday Week 11 .
    • If you cannot submit it by the deadline due to some valid reasons, contact me for an extension ( Supervisor approval email required ).

    If you have further information to be included, please let me know. Thanks.



  • About overdue notification

    Posted by Jing Hsu Monday 24 July 2023, 10:05:02 AM.

    Dear Thesis C students,

    The system sent overdue notifications to all students.

    If you submitted the Thesis demo slides on time, please ignore it.



  • Reminder: Submission of presentation slides

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou Friday 21 July 2023, 05:06:04 PM.

    Please be reminded that you need to submit your Thesis C presentation slides to the Thesis Management System ( by 10pm this Sunday (23 July). If you cannot find a suitable time to do the presentation in week 8, you MUST still submit your slides by the due date. Otherwise, you will get the late penalty . The only exception is that if you have been granted an extension to submit your slides by the Thesis Coordinator or Thesis Admin.

  • Instructions for Thesis C Demo

    Posted by Jing Hsu Tuesday 11 July 2023, 02:24:44 PM.

    Dear Thesis C Students,

    In Week 8, you are required to give a demo of your thesis project. Please schedule a time in Week 8 for the demo with your supervisor and assessor. Although no other attendees are required, it is good to have relevant people who are interested in your project, to attend your demo so that you can get more feedback.

    Due to Covid-19, you need to do the demo online. We recommend Microsoft Teams which is included in UNSW office 365 and can be login by using your zpass.

    You can also discuss with your supervisor and assessor to choose another online meeting software, such as skype, google meeting, and zoom…

    Key facts about the demo:

    • Worth 10% of your Thesis C final result.
    • Please follow the Marking Rubric and Assessment Components (listed in week 8 section) to prepare your demo.
    • Organise the time/date yourself with supervisor and assessor
    • A 45-minute demonstration about the final outcome of your thesis (including talk/demo, Q&A, debrief with supervisor/assessor)
    • Submit the demo slides in TMS by 10pm 23 th July Sunday Week 8 . If you cannot submit it by the deadline due to some valid reasons, contact me for an extension ( supervisor approval must be provided ). You can also make an application through special consideration portal with support documents, such as medical certification.

    One IMPORTANT thing to note:

    If you cannot find a suitable time to do the demo in week 8, you can do it later, but you MUST submit your slides by the due date. Otherwise, you will get the late penalty.

    If you have further information to be included, please let me know.


    Dr. Jing Hsu, CSE Thesis Admin

  • ​Welcome to Thesis C!

    Posted by Chun Tung Chou Friday 26 May 2023, 12:15:46 AM, last modified Friday 26 May 2023, 12:16:01 AM.

    Welcome to Thesis C for 23T2!

    I hope you had a good break and are ready to get Thesis C started. Please send an email to your supervisor to find a regular meeting time so that you can resume your Thesis work.

    Please note that the Thesis C website is located at . You will find resources relevant to Thesis C there, e.g. the marking criteria for Thesis C, sample Thesis C presentation slides, sample theses, etc.

    There are two assessments for Thesis C: demo in week 8 and report in week 11.

    All the best for your Thesis C.

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