
  • Assignment-2 Spec and Assignment-1 Marks Released

    Posted by Yulei Sui Friday 28 June 2024, 08:51:28 AM.

    Hello everyone,

    Assignment-2 has been released and please git pull to download the code template. We will be learning symbolic execution today and I will explain the connections between Lab-2 and Assignment-2 in today’s class.

    Assignment-1 marks are out. We will go through some of the implementation issues in today’s lab. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us then.


  • How to check your lab mark

    Posted by Kaiqi Liang 🥺 Friday 21 June 2024, 03:47:13 PM, last modified Saturday 22 June 2024, 01:49:25 PM.

    To check your lab marks, please click the Grades icon in the bottom right corner next to your profile on Webcms

  • Lab-Quiz-2 and Lab-Exercise-2

    Posted by Yulei Sui Friday 21 June 2024, 08:49:57 AM.

    Hi All,

    Quiz-2 and Exercise-2 have been released. Before you start coding, you NEED to do a git pull or docker pull to update your local code templates to the latest version.

    Our marks for Quiz-1 and Exercise-1 have been out. We will go through Quiz-1 questions in our today's lab. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us then.



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