
  • Assignment-2 Spec and Assignment-1 Marks Released

    Posted by Yulei Sui Friday 28 June 2024, 08:51:28 AM.

    Hello everyone,

    Assignment-2 has been released and please git pull to download the code template. We will be learning symbolic execution today and I will explain the connections between Lab-2 and Assignment-2 in today’s class.

    Assignment-1 marks are out. We will go through some of the implementation issues in today’s lab. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us then.


  • How to check your lab mark

    Posted by Kaiqi Liang 🥺 Friday 21 June 2024, 03:47:13 PM, last modified Saturday 22 June 2024, 01:49:25 PM.

    To check your lab marks, please click the Grades icon in the bottom right corner next to your profile on Webcms

  • Lab-Quiz-2 and Lab-Exercise-2

    Posted by Yulei Sui Friday 21 June 2024, 08:49:57 AM.

    Hi All,

    Quiz-2 and Exercise-2 have been released. Before you start coding, you NEED to do a git pull or docker pull to update your local code templates to the latest version.

    Our marks for Quiz-1 and Exercise-1 have been out. We will go through Quiz-1 questions in our today's lab. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us then.



  • Assignment-1

    Posted by Yulei Sui Friday 07 June 2024, 02:08:34 PM.

    Hello everyone,

    The Assignment-1 has been released and you may wish to start working on it. The due date is 23:59, Wednesday, Week 4.

    The Zoom recordings for today's lecture and lab will be uploaded and available soon on Moodle/Echo360.



  • Recordings and Lab-1

    Posted by Yulei Sui Friday 31 May 2024, 04:50:52 PM.

    Hello everyone,

    Thank you for attending our first lecture and lab. The recordings of the lecture and lab are now available here:

    We have also uploaded the Zoom version of the lecture recording in case the Echo360 version does not include the slides.

    Lab Quiz 1 and Lab Exercise 1 have been released, and the submission deadline is 23:59 on Wednesday of Week 3.



  • Welcome to course "Software Security Analysis"!

    Posted by Yulei Sui Tuesday 20 February 2024, 11:23:27 AM, last modified Thursday 23 May 2024, 12:14:26 PM.

    Hello everyone,

    This is Yulei Sui, your lecturer for COMP6131. Welcome to our new Software Security Analysis course, an inaugural offering at UNSW. This course aims to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge and develop your own automated code analysis and verification tools!

    To better support your learning journey, we encourage you to complete a short pre-course survey before our lecture so that we can better facilitate your learning experience.

    See you all next Friday at 11:00 am in the Old Main Building, Room G31 (K-K15-G31).



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