We would like to welcome you to COMP6324 (IoT Service Design and Engineering) and we hope that you'll learn and enjoy the course to the fullest.
Please be advised for the following:
The first lecture is this Wednesday the 20th of February at 6:00 PM in Old Main Building 151 (Hope to see you all there).
As COMP6324 is a project based course so we need to form groups in Week1 as the mentoring sessions start in Week2. We prefer that you form your own groups but if by the end of Week1 you are not in a group we will assign you to one randomly.
We are going to use Piazza as the course communication platform. You will receive an invitation to join the course in Piazza shortly so please accept the invitation as all the communications, course material and submissions are going to be in Piazza. it would also be great if your name in Piazza is the same name we have in UNSW records to minimize any confusion.