
  • Tuesday Week 1 Lecture Stream Location

    Posted by Nicholas Tandiono Tuesday 10 September 2024, 04:03:26 PM, last modified Tuesday 10 September 2024, 04:33:19 PM.

    Hello everyone!

    The online lecture stream tonight will be located here:

    (Will be live soon - Currently showing last recording for some reason

  • Monday Week 1 Lecture Stream Location

    Posted by Kristian Mansfield Monday 09 September 2024, 05:05:15 PM.

    Hi everyone!

    Welcome aboard! You should have gotten an email detailing some of the administration, but we'll go through everything you need to know in the lecture tonight.

    The online lecture stream will be located here:

    For those of you coming in person, we'll see you in Keith Burrows at 6pm!


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