Dear students,
I hope you are staying safe :)
As promised earlier, here's an unofficial write-up for the final exam: . It's served outside infra so that it won't be taken down when we take down QuoccaBank.
At the moment, all challenges are still up in QuoccaBank cluster so you can still try to get the flags you missed in the exam now. No promises for how long they'll stay up though (since secedu is paying for our AWS account).
Final exam mark was derived using the same formula and marking method as fortnightly challenges, which was explained earlier here . As mentioned previously, after summing up all components, Richard helped us scale down the overall course mark so that a consistent standard is applied at the pass/fail boundary and the D/HD boundary. This year, because of the COVID situation, we have erred on the side of generosity and the average course marks after scaling have been left a bit higher than we would normal expect.
Here's the marking distribution for the overall course mark in case you're interested in where you stand in the entire cohort.
COMP6443/6843 combined:
I hope you all enjoyed the course!
Dear Students,
Congratulations on completing Web App Security. We have now finished marking and scaling and you should get your marks tomorrow.
As explained in the course outline we scale the final exam and the overall course mark to ensure that marks across all security courses are consistant (so for example if an exam one year is particularly easy or particularly difficult we scale the mark to reflect this). We also adjust the overall course mark so that a consistent standard is applied at the pass/fail boundary and the D/HD boundary and hence your final mark may not be simply the sum of the individual unscaled marks. This year, because of the COVID situation, we have erred on the side of generosity and the average course marks after scaling have been left a bit higher than we would normal expect.
We have had a few cases of possible cheating and if you get a “withheld” result rather than your grade please contact us if you have not already heard from us about your situation.
It has been a pleasure teaching you all this term and I wish you the very best in your future studies.
Warm regards,
Hi everyone,
We hope you enjoyed the exam. The exam has now finished. You have until 5:15 to submit your PDF of your write up via give.
If you have any issues, please email
Thanks again.