
  • Report 2 Deadline Extension Due to Moodle Maintenance

    Posted by Hamish Cox 11 months ago.

    Due to a planned Moodle maintenance outage that we completed missed, from 23:00 to 23:59 tonight, the deadline for report 2 is being extended to 00:59 on the 25th of April (one extra hour). The planned outage should only last 10 minutes, so this should be mostly precautionary. I would recommend submitting ASAP and getting sleep rather than working for another hour, but that's up to you.

  • Exam Details

    Posted by Kristian Mansfield 11 months ago.

    Hi Everyone, hope you’re preparing well for the exam. This announcement is all the information that I think you’ll need for the exam on Saturday.


    Saturday, 27th of April, 1pm-4pm Sydney time. If you have an ELS plan, you will be granted extra time in accordance with that plan. I will finalise those and email you a confirmation on Friday.


    All information you need regarding scope and a homepage for the exam will be at:

    Until the exam starts, this will act as a countdown. The page will update once the exam is live.

    The exam will be in three sections. There are 25 marks in each section. Each question is worth the same so if you’re stuck on one, move on to the next. They are not ordered by difficulty.

    • Part A will consist of 5 questions regarding content taught between weeks 1 to 5.
    • Part B will consist of 5 questions regarding content taught between weeks 5 and 10.
    • Part C will be some number of questions from anywhere in the course, including extended response and remediation focused strategies. This section will be different between COMP6443 and COMP6843 and there will be a different number of questions depending on the stream, but will both sum to 25 marks.

    Part A and B will look very similar to the midterm and will have challenges at roughly the same difficulty.

    Fit to Sit:

    UNSW has a fit to sit policy which means if you are fit to sit the exam, there will not be a supplementary exam offered and the mark there will stand. You will be required to acknowledge this when opening the exam for the first time. If you are unwell, do not attempt the exam or perform any exploits on the challenges.


    You will be asked to submit via a text file, similar to the midterm, with the flags that you find for the question and a short dot point style answer of how you constructed the exploit. Include answers to questions if you did not find the flag as these will be worth partial marks. At the end of your exam time, upload the file here:

    Note, the exam submission will stay open well past 4pm due to special considerations. Any uploads made past 4pm without an ELS plan will be considered late and not marked. We do not have the ability to recover past submissions - if you resubmit after 4 it will be late.

    Other notes:

    Please do not discuss the exam or any of its contents until after 8pm on Saturday to account for any ELS plans and issues that might arise during the day.

    If there are any questions, please post them in the megathread on Ed here:

    We will also be posting announcements and any notes we find during the exam within the Ed forums and on WebCMS as required.

    Good luck!

  • Help Session Tomorrow (Monday)

    Posted by Kristian Mansfield 11 months ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Jesse is going to run the help session tomorrow (Monday) at 6pm in the SecLab of K17. There’s no plan for any specifically prepared content so come with questions! We will have some demos and some awesome tutor notes from through the term, but this one of the last chances to ask about any exploits or challenges you might have.

    Exam info will be posted in another announcement this week.

    Good luck with the study!

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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