
  • Assignment 2 Release && Networking Challenges Due Date Update

    Posted by Nicholas Tandiono Monday 01 July 2024, 02:02:49 PM.

    Some adjustments to due date:

    1. Assignment 2 has now been released and can be accessed on webcms3 under reports. This will be due on the 18 th of July @ 11.59 PM.
    2. Networking challenges will now be due on the 14 th of July @11.59 PM to provide some extra time.

    All the best


    The Teaching Team

  • Ajoy Ghosh Professional Lecture is On

    Posted by Rahat Masood Tuesday 25 June 2024, 06:07:29 PM, last modified Tuesday 25 June 2024, 08:01:05 PM.

    Hi Everyone,

    Ajoy Ghosh, our guest lecturer, is giving professional lecture today. Please join the zoom link. It is extremely impirtant lecture and hear his opinions on expert witnesses. The lecture will help you in report writing and investigations.


  • More Week 5 Updates

    Posted by Lachlan Waugh πŸ‰ Monday 24 June 2024, 02:07:17 PM, last modified Monday 24 June 2024, 02:08:51 PM.

    Hey everyone, some quick updates for week 5:

    Memory & Network Challenge Due Dates

    We've bumped the due dates for the week 4 & 5 challenges to week 7 Monday (08/07)

    Week 5 Lectures

    Wes is ill, and won't be able to run the Monday lecture for this week, instead we'll be releasing a recording from last year, and Andrew will be hosting a help session on Wednesday 4-6pm here .

  • Week 5 Updates

    Posted by Nicholas Tandiono Saturday 22 June 2024, 07:02:03 PM.

    Hello Everyone!

    Hope everyone is going well with Report 1

    A few updates coming into Week 5:

    1) There is no in-person lecture on Monday as it will be completely online and run by Wesley.

    2) Week 1 Marks have been released on Moodle. To get full marks you were required to get 6 challenges for COMP6445 and 8 challenges for COMP6845 in the week 1 challenges. If there are any issues with the marks please reach out to the class account and it will be able to be resolved quickly.

  • Report 1 Extension

    Posted by Nicholas Tandiono Thursday 20 June 2024, 04:54:10 PM.

    Hello Everyone!

    Hope you are all going well with the reports. Due to autopsy installation issues and week 2/3 challenge extensions spilling into this week, we will be providing everyone with an additional 3-day extension for the report. This means that the new due date for report 1 will be Wednesday 26th June at 11.55PM.

    All the best with your reports.


    The Teaching Team

  • COMP6845 Thursday 4pm Tutorial Rescheduled to Friday at 6 PM

    Posted by Rahat Masood Wednesday 19 June 2024, 02:54:28 PM.

    Dear COMP6845 Students,

    Lachlan is unavailable this Thursday at 4 PM to take his COMP6845 tutorial. Therefore, we have moved the tutorial to Friday at 6 PM. Students who are enrolled in the Thursday 4 PM tutorial should attend the Friday 6 PM tutorial for this week.

    I am in conversation with the teaching team to permanently move this tutorial to Friday since Lachlan is not available for the Thursday 4 PM class.

    If you have any issues, please don't hesitate to email us at .


  • Week 3 Challenge Extension

    Posted by Nicholas Tandiono Saturday 15 June 2024, 08:03:29 PM, last modified Saturday 15 June 2024, 08:12:29 PM.

    Hello everyone,

    Due to unexpected autopsy installation issues especially for those on Macs, we have extended the due date for week 3 challenges to Week 4 Wednesday 11.59 PM. This provides an additional 2 days.

    It is recommended to use a Windows Machine if you are on a Mac.

    All the best!

  • Week 4 Monday Lecture Update

    Posted by Nicholas Tandiono Saturday 15 June 2024, 09:34:49 AM.

    Hello Everyone!

    Hope you are going well with the challenges and enjoying the tutorial sessions. Just sharing that Wesley will be coming in-person from Perth to the lecture on Monday to give the technical lecture (professionalism will be moved to Tuesday)!

    Come say hi, ask any questions you have whether about the course or his experiences.

  • Week 2 Professional Lecture Recording

    Posted by Rahat Masood Wednesday 05 June 2024, 09:07:21 AM.

    Hello Everyone!

    Apologies for the reduced sound quality for the Week 2 Lecture 1 Recording. You are able to view last year's recording through the following link: which is of better quality. Content for this week is the same as the one presented in the video.

    All the best with this week's tutorials and challenges!

  • Security Society Security Conference Call For Papers

    Posted by Nicholas Tandiono Friday 31 May 2024, 12:23:04 PM.

    Hello Everyone!

    You may be interested in presenting a workshop or talk for the upcoming Security Society Conference on the 25th June. If you are, feel free to send a call for paper through the link below.


    SCONES is UNSW Security Society's conference for students by students running June 25th, 2024. The conference aims to get students curious, interested, and excited to learn more about cybersecurity by bringing students, educators, industry professionals, and security enthusiasts together! However of course you can't have a conference without the amazing talks and workshops so we want your help!


  • Week 1 Updates - First Recording and Week 1 Challenges Due Date

    Posted by Nicholas Tandiono Tuesday 28 May 2024, 04:26:50 PM.

    Hi Everyone!

    1. The recording and slides for the first lecture is now available on WebCMS under "Lecture". Turnaround time for lecture recordings will be 1 day.
    2. Challenges are now available for week 1 through where you are able to register (more information will be provided in the tutorials). Note that the new deadline of week 1 challenges will be Monday 11:55pm to give some extra time.

    Hope everyone enjoys their first tutorial this week, and make sure to reach out to your tutor if you are having any issues!

    (On behalf of the teaching team: Rahat Masood, Wesley Lacy, Andrew Wong, Lachlan Waugh, Nicholas Tandiono)

  • Welcome to Digital Forensics!

    Posted by Nicholas Tandiono Friday 24 May 2024, 01:32:29 PM, last modified Friday 24 May 2024, 11:57:03 PM.

    Hi everyone! Welcome to Digital Forensics 😊

    Hope everyone is well rested after the Term 1 break and looking forward to another super interesting term. We are happy to announce a number of redeveloped areas of the course based on previous years’ feedback which is inclusive of the move from OpenLearning to WebCMS which have been implemented this term.

    We are going to be using three online systems for COMP6[84]45. These are (1) WebCMS, (2) Ed Forum, and (3) Moodle.


    • WebCMS can be accessed here
    • Please read through the Course Outline via the left-hand menu of WebCMS. It has everything in it that you need to know for now, including the assessment information, course schedule and so on.
    • WebCMS is also where you will find lecture and tutorial slides as well as investigation instructions for challenges and reports.

    Ed Forum

    Moodle (Will be made available at a later date)

    • Moodle is where you will submit your reports, with the first due at the end of Week 4.

    We have an amazing teaching team who are here to support you in any way possible and make the process of learning this course highly rewarding and engaging, so feel free to reach out to them if you have any concerns or issues. For any questions related to the course, please reach out to the class account – where the teaching team will also be able to help out with any queries you may have.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone at the lectures and tutorials for an amazing term!

    (On behalf of the teaching team: Rahat Masood, Wesley Lacy, Andrew Wong, Lachlan Waugh, Nicholas Tandiono)

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