
  • Final Exam is today

    Posted by Adam Tanana 5 years ago.

    Hey everyone. Good luck in the final exam today.

    Just a reminder that the password for the binaries will be released on this page when the exam starts. Exam instructions are also on that page.

  • Exam Binaries Released

    Posted by Adam Tanana 5 years ago.

    Hello again! I've uploaded the binaries to the skeleton site ( ) on the info page. The binaries are encrypted and the password to decrypt them will be released on the exam date.

    Please download these ahead of times to avoid and internet issues on the day.

    Please don't try to attack course infrastructure before or during the exam (including enumerating challenge ports, bruteforcing challenges, DoS attacks), or attempting to bruteforce the password to decrypt the binaries. It's no fun if you do...

  • Final Exam

    Posted by Adam Tanana 5 years ago, last modified 5 years ago.

    Hello all. Hope studies & exam period is going well.

    The final exam will be at 1 pm on Wednesday. The exam will be on . Currently this website just has a skeleton exam, hopefully you have time to read the information here to understand the format of the exam.

    I will release the binaries (encrypted with gpg) a day before the exam, and on the day of the exam, the password to decrypt these challenges will be released. The source auditing and reversing challenges will be made available on the website during the exam.

    If you notice anything wrong with this announcement or the exam skeleton, please let me know asap!

    As always if you have any questions about content feel free to ping me on slack for a chat.

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