
  • Welcome and Week 1 Update

    Posted by Tim Arney 2 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    Welcome to the COMP6452 Software Architecture for Blockchain Application module.

    Important : all future notices will only be posted on the Ed Forum. Please register asap via this join link (you only have to do this once).

    The module will be conducted in person. While the lectures will be live-streamed automatically, in-person participation is highly encouraged.

    Online students, please use the Ed Forum for Q&A. However, those questions will be handled during the class only when possible. Other questions will be later answered on the forum.

    All class resources are on Moodle at

    All communication will be via Ed Forum at<wbr>12006/discussion/ so sign up using the join link above.

    You will find further details on the Welcome slide deck on Echo360, which can be accessed via Moodle -> Lecture Recordings.

    Here are a few things to note about the upcoming weeks:


    • Monday 1:00pm - 3:00pm, F10 June Griffith M18 (K-F10-M18)
    • Wednesday 9:00am - 11:00am, Keith Burrows Theatre (K-J14-G5)

    Labs and Tutorials

    • Monday 3:00pm - 5:00pm, Ainsworth G01
    • Tuesday 9:00am - 11:00am, Quad 1045
    • Tuesday 11:00am - 1:00pm, Quad 1045
    • Tuesday 2:00pm - 4:00pm, Ainsworth 101
    • Tuesday 4:00pm - 6:00pm, Quad 1047

    See the specific lab and tutorial schedule on the Welcome slide deck. Bring your laptop to all labs and tutorials.

    Project 2 evaluations in Week 5 and 9 will use the Wednesday slot plus 1-2 tutorial slots.

    Class consultation

    Class consultations with lectures immediately after class or by appointment. Teaching assistants can be contacted during tutorials/labs or by appointment. To schedule a one-on-one or additional group consultation with lecturers/tutors, please send an email to the lecturer/tutor you want to talk to. Use the Ed Forum for basic inquiries.

    We highly encourage active discussions during live sessions and on the forum. While any discussions related to the course are welcome, please use the respective threads/tags.


    • Project 1 is already out under Week 1 and due in Week 3 (11:55 PM Sunday, June 18). It's an individual project.
    • Project 2 is also out under Week 1 and has multiple deliverables in Week 3, 5, 9, and 10. It's a group project with 4 members.
      • You are free to choose your team members. If you are unable to find 4 members, please contact tutors 2 days before the team registration deadline (not before or after).
      • Project 2 presentation time slots in Week 5 and 9 will be notified later once we know the number of teams.
    • Use the Projects forum tag for project-related discussions.


    • Quiz 1 will be open from 9:00 am AEST on Thursday, June 22 and will be open for 48 hours.
    • Quiz 2 will be open from 9:00 am AEST on Thursday, July 20 and will be open for 48 hours.
    • Each quiz is 30 mins and contributes to 10% of the total marks.


    • The exam will be conducted as a central online open-book exam via Inspera.

    All the best!

    Dilum / Helen / Lam

  • COMP6452 is on Moodle & Ed Forum

    Posted by Dilum Bandara 2 years ago, last modified 2 years ago.

    This course is entirely managed on Moodle .

    Student interactions are handled through Ed Forum . Use Ed Forum join link on Moodle to sign up.

    This site only provides basic information such course outline.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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