
  • Project 2, Task 2 Marks

    Posted by Tim Arney Sunday 30 June 2024, 01:40:30 AM.

    Hi all,

    You can collect your project 2, task 2, marking journal by connecting to CSE and running:

    6452 classrun -collect proj2_2

    You can also see your marks for the course by running:

    6452 classrun -sturec

    Please use the course email or the course forum if you have any enquries.

  • Project 1 Marks

    Posted by Tim Arney Saturday 29 June 2024, 05:34:24 AM, last modified Monday 01 July 2024, 10:57:19 AM.

    Hi all,

    You can collect your project 1 marking journal by connecting to CSE and running:

    6452 classrun -collect proj1

    You can also see your marks by running:

    6452 classrun -sturec

    Please email the tutor responsible for your marking if you have any questions. You can find their details at the bottom of your journal.

    Marking is still underway for anyone who had an approved extension. You can expect marking to be completed by the end of Week 6. Results will be available as indicated above.

    Update 01/07/2024 : marking of students with approved extensions now complete.

    Enjoy flex week!

    P.S. You can also use the "Collect Submission" tab at the top of the Project 1 Submission page to collect your journal.

  • Presentation Location (new)

    Posted by Helen Paik Monday 24 June 2024, 04:20:37 PM, last modified Monday 24 June 2024, 05:26:13 PM.

    For more flexibility with time, we have moved the presentation locations.

    • Tuesday 11am-1pm slots -> CSE Bld, K17 Level 1 Room 113 (next to the kitchen)
    • Wednesday 9am - 11am slots -> CSE Bld, K17 Level 1 Room 113 (next to the kitchen)
    • Wednesday 1pm-3pm slots -> AGSM Colonial Theatre (K-G27-G06)
    • Thursday 9am-11am slots -> CSE Bld, K17 Level 1 Room 113 (next to the kitchen)

    (Note - new locations).

    Task 2 - Presentation Schedule.xlsx

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