
  • Project 2, Task 3 Marks

    Posted by Tim Arney 7 months ago, last modified 7 months ago.

    Hi all,

    Marks are now available for project 2, task 3. You can get a breakdown of your mark by connecting to CSE and running:

    6452 classrun -collect proj2_3

    You can also see your marks for the course by running:

    6452 classrun -sturec

    Please use the course email or the course forum if you have any enquiries.

  • Be ready for Inspera remote exam

    Posted by Helen Paik 7 months ago.

    Make sure you are exam-ready!

  • Week 10 Announcements

    Posted by Helen Paik 7 months ago.

    We have reached the final week!

    The Final Wrap-Up Lecture will take place on Monday from 11 am to 12 pm (1 hour). This session will serve as a conclusion to our lectures and will include a walkthrough of the final exam procedures.

    Presentations : The presentation schedule has been finalised. Various rooms have been reserved for the presentation sessions. Please check the location prior to each session.

    Each group's presentation will be strictly limited to 13 minutes, followed by a 5-minute Q&A period .

    Best of luck in the final week.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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