
  • Project 2, Task 2 Marks

    Posted by Tim Arney Sunday 30 June 2024, 01:40:30 AM.

    Hi all,

    You can collect your project 2, task 2, marking journal by connecting to CSE and running:

    6452 classrun -collect proj2_2

    You can also see your marks for the course by running:

    6452 classrun -sturec

    Please use the course email or the course forum if you have any enquries.

  • Project 1 Marks

    Posted by Tim Arney Saturday 29 June 2024, 05:34:24 AM, last modified Monday 01 July 2024, 10:57:19 AM.

    Hi all,

    You can collect your project 1 marking journal by connecting to CSE and running:

    6452 classrun -collect proj1

    You can also see your marks by running:

    6452 classrun -sturec

    Please email the tutor responsible for your marking if you have any questions. You can find their details at the bottom of your journal.

    Marking is still underway for anyone who had an approved extension. You can expect marking to be completed by the end of Week 6. Results will be available as indicated above.

    Update 01/07/2024 : marking of students with approved extensions now complete.

    Enjoy flex week!

    P.S. You can also use the "Collect Submission" tab at the top of the Project 1 Submission page to collect your journal.

  • Presentation Location (new)

    Posted by Helen Paik Monday 24 June 2024, 04:20:37 PM, last modified Monday 24 June 2024, 05:26:13 PM.

    For more flexibility with time, we have moved the presentation locations.

    • Tuesday 11am-1pm slots -> CSE Bld, K17 Level 1 Room 113 (next to the kitchen)
    • Wednesday 9am - 11am slots -> CSE Bld, K17 Level 1 Room 113 (next to the kitchen)
    • Wednesday 1pm-3pm slots -> AGSM Colonial Theatre (K-G27-G06)
    • Thursday 9am-11am slots -> CSE Bld, K17 Level 1 Room 113 (next to the kitchen)

    (Note - new locations).

    Task 2 - Presentation Schedule.xlsx

  • Week 5 announcement

    Posted by Helen Paik Sunday 23 June 2024, 08:52:25 PM.

    Lectures :

    • Monday lecture (little design exercise + design patterns)
    • No lecture on Wednesday. We will use the slot for presentations

    Labs :

    • No labs/help sessions this week. Instead, some of the slots are used for Project 2 presentations.

    Projects :

    • Carefully go through the Project 2 specification to see what you should present, rubric, timing, no of slides, etc. Also, consider the feedback you got for Task 1.
    • Each presentation room is reserved for a two-hour slot, and it is crucial to adhere to the schedule. Every group will have 12 minutes for their presentation, followed by a 3-minute question and answer session. It is important not to exceed the 12-minute limit for presentations, as you will be stopped at the 12-minute mark.
    • Students are encouraged to stay throughout the session. You can always learn something from other presentations and questions raised.

    Census Date:

    • The T2 census date is 11.59pm, Sunday 23 June.
    • Courses dropped by this date will not appear on your transcript, affect your WAM, or incur a financial liability.
    • Though we of course hope you'll stay with the course!

  • Quiz1 opens tomorrow (Friday) 10AM

    Posted by Helen Paik Thursday 20 June 2024, 05:58:42 PM, last modified Friday 21 June 2024, 05:04:02 PM.

    Quiz1 opens tomorrow (Friday) 10AM - on Moodle . You will see a link named "Quiz 1".

  • Project 2: Task 2 Presentation Schedule

    Posted by Tim Arney Wednesday 19 June 2024, 03:18:16 PM.

    Hi all,

    We'll be running 4 x 2 hour sessions next week (Week 5) for the Task 2 presentations:

    1. Tue 25 June, 11:00 - 13:00
    2. Wed 26 June, 9:00 - 11:00
    3. Wed 26 June, 13:00 - 15:00
    4. Thu 27 June, 9:00 - 11:00

    Please reserve a slot for your group using this spreadsheet:

    Task 2 - Presentation Schedule.xlsx

    • You will need to be logged into your UNSW account.
    • Please only select one slot.
    • Please do not modify the reservations of any other groups.
    • We expect all group members to be present for their presentation. If you're having scheduling difficulties within your group, I would suggest reserving the most convenient slot, and then utilising the forum to try and swap with another group.
    • We expect all groups to be present for their 2 hour session.
    • If any session isn't full, we may condense the slots to ensure the presentations are running back-to-back.


  • Week 4 announcement

    Posted by Helen Paik Monday 17 June 2024, 03:29:11 PM.


    Per schedule ... no change

    Labs/Help sessions

    Per schedule ... no change

    Project 2/Task 1

    • Presentation time slots for week 5 will be announced this week - you will have to book a slot with us
    • Feedback for Project 2, Task 1 - Comments will be progressively added to the Wiki pages you've developed. Anticipate seeing them by the end of today or tomorrow (Tuesday). Please review the feedback and revise your proposal as needed by the end of Week 4. During the Week 5 presentation, we will ask about how you incorporated the feedback..

    Quiz 1

    • Quiz 1 will be 30-min and open on Moodle at 10:00AM AEST Friday, June 21. It will remain open till 9:00PM. You can try once anytime within this period, but once you start you need to finish within 30-min.
    • Questions consist of 15 MCQ, True/False, and Short answers. You may consider exercise questions discussed during the lectures as "sample" questions.
    • A total of 100 marks will be allocated to all questions (it will contribute to 10% of your final grade).
    • No negative marks
    • The quiz will cover all lectures from Week 1 to Week 4.

  • Week 3 announcement

    Posted by Helen Paik Monday 10 June 2024, 04:37:04 PM, last modified Tuesday 11 June 2024, 10:19:17 AM.


    • Monday 10th June - No lecture today - but look up Echo360 for the video from Dilum (covering the rest of the Week 2 Monday topic).
    • Wednesday 12th June - Blockchain in Software Architecture (by Salil)

    Project 1

    • Due Sunday, 16 June 2024, 11:59 PM.
    • Submit via WebCMS -> Projects -> Project 1 -> Project 1 Submission
    • Spec: WebCMS -> Projects -> Project 1-> Instructions

    Project 2

    Group registration ASAP

    • If you're still looking for a team, or have spots available on your team, please post on Ed as soon as possible under the "Project 2 Teams" tag.
    • Please also look at the group registration page WebCMS/Groups. If you see an incomplete team, please email them about joining.
    • Once you find or fill a team, please mark any related posts on Ed as resolved (or simply delete them) to assist students who are still looking.
    • Group registration: WebCMS-> Groups

    Task 1 due Friday, 14 June 11:59 PM

    • Post to Group Wiki Page available from WebCMS
    • Please set the title of your post to “Project 2 - Task 1 - Group X”, where "X" is your group name you created.
    • Spec: WebCMS -> Projects -> Project 2 -> Specification

    Ed Forum

    • Please help keep the forum organised by not creating duplicate threads. To assist:
    • Search before you post
    • Tag the post in the appropriate category
    • Use a descriptive, but short, title (maybe think about search terms you'd use)

  • Week 2 announcement (belated)

    Posted by Helen Paik Friday 07 June 2024, 02:53:53 PM, last modified Friday 07 June 2024, 03:03:52 PM.

    Hello class,

    Here is an update on Week 2, and upcoming tasks/deadlines.


    Dilum will post a video of the rest of the lecture on Monday material soon. The lecture notes on Week 2 topics are available on WebCMS.


    Project 1

    • Project 1 is due week 3 (Sunday 16th June at 23:59:59).
    • Check under WebCMS-> Projects -> Project 1 for specification and submission

    Project 2

    • Project 2 specification is open.
    • You must find/form a group ASAP - Use WebCMS Groups to either join other groups or register your group. Use Ed Forum "Project 2 Teams" tag to reach out to students who are looking to join a group. You are free to choose your teams members, so please coordinate amongst yourselves and/or join a team with a vacancy and introduce yourself.
    • Project 2 has three tasks. Task 1 is due Week 3. Submission is done via WebCMS. Details to follow.
    • Project 2 Presentation time slots in will be assigned later.

  • Course Forum on Ed

    Posted by Tim Arney Sunday 26 May 2024, 02:48:57 PM.

    We will be using Ed Forum for the course forum. Please join via this link . The forum on WebCMS is disabled. Please post any course-related questions on Ed. If you must email us, please use instead of personal emails.

  • Welcome to COMP6452 Software Architecture for Blockchain Applications

    Posted by Helen Paik Friday 24 May 2024, 12:52:28 PM.

    Hello everyone,

    Welcome to Software Architecture for Blockchain Applications! Hope you are feeling enthusiastic about starting the course. In this course, we will explore the foundational principles of blockchains, emphasising the design and development of robust, scalable, and secure blockchain applications through the eyes of software architecture and software quality principles. The course is highly focused on hands-on experience, where you will build a blockchain-based software system through teamwork and collaboration. Be ready to start engaging with your classmates as early as Week 1!

    There will be a lot of information released in Week 1, but don't worry—Dilum, our first lecturer, will walk you through the requirements in the first lecture.

    Importantly, PLEASE IGNORE your enrolled lab class times. This term, the lab classes will function as consultation/help sessions with tutors. You are welcome to attend any lab class throughout the week to get the technical assistance you need, and you can attend as many sessions as you like. We will run four lab help sessions every week, and all lab exercises will be provided as self-guided instructions to be completed in your own time.

    Looking forward to a great term 2 with all of you.

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