
  • Welcome to COMP6453!

    Posted by Sushmita Ruj 10 months ago.

    Hi All,

    Welcome to the course COMP6453. I will be lecturing this course in 23T1. We have an excellent teaching team with tutors Vir Pathak and Nhi Nguyen. We are looking forward to help you learn and enjoy this course.

    Lectures will be face-to-face in K-H20-101, Civil Engineering 101. These will also be streamed live.

    All Lectures will be recorded.

    All tutorials are in person.

    Tutorials will start in Week 2. (No tutorial in Week 1 )

    Details about the course are in the Course Outline .

    We will use Ed forum for discussions, and Q&A. Please join here.

    Best wishes and see you next week!

    Sushmita Ruj


Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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